how to share the Gospel
with people of other religions, or no religion at all
Have friends who are atheists? Agnostics? Into Wicca? We’ve reviewed thirteen predominate worldviews and found insights to help you effectively share the Gospel with others.
But first, we need to know how to approach a Gospel conversation. Check out this video withĀ Greg StierĀ for an overview on navigating these conversations.
When you share the Gospel with someone who believes differently than you about Jesus, focus on listening first. Then, make sure to start with the strategy that we call “Ask, Admire, Admit.”
AskĀ them questions about what they believe, not to trap them, but to understand them and break down any relational barriers that are keeping them from considering Jesus.
Admire everything you can about what your friend believes to help them open up. Donāt affirm their sin, but affirm their honesty. Find areas of common ground you can compliment them on.
AdmitĀ that the reason you are a Christian is that you know youāve fallen short and need someone to rescue you. That someone is Jesus.
As you ask honest questions, admire what you can about others’ beliefs, and admit your own need for Jesus, you’ll find others becoming open to hearing the Gospel message. Use this opportunity to engage in a real conversation about Jesus and His Good News!
learn to share your faith with friends of different worldviews
Before witnessing to friends with different beliefs, we need to know how to witness in an informed, loving, and relational way. Click on an article to find out more about the thirteen predominant worldviews you may encounter.

How to Share the Gospel With a Muslim
Learn more about the beliefs of Muslims and how to bring up the Gospel message with a friend of this worldview.

How to Share the Gospel With a Jehovah’s Witness
While the Jehovah’s Witnesses identify as Christian, learn how their beliefs differ from the true Gospel message.

How to Share the Gospel With a Mormon
The Mormon church has a large following worldwide, but how do their beliefs differ from the true Gospel of the Bible?

How to Share the Gospel With a New Ager
Find out how to navigate a Gospel conversation with a New Ager as you learn about their common core beliefs.

How to Share the Gospel With a Hindu
A Hindu may have a completely different worldview than you, but they still desperately need the true Gospel message, just like you.

How to Share the Gospel With a Religious Person
A religious person may know the Bible well, but their understanding of salvation is off. Learn how to help them understand the true Gospel.

How to Share the Gospel With a Jew
Christianity and Judaism share the same roots, but differ greatly on who Jesus is. Learn how to share the Gospel message with a Jewish friend.

How to Share the Gospel With a Deist
Do you believe God is intimately involved in your life today? Deists don’t, so learn how to share the Gospel with someone of this worldview.

How to Share the Gospel With a Buddhist
Buddhism has been around longer than Christianity, but it has never led anyone to true salvation. Learn more about the Buddhist worldview.

How to Share the Gospel With a Satanist
Satan is the ultimate enemy of Christ and our souls, but there are people who choose to partner with him in their own lives. Learn about Satanism here.

How to Share the Gospel With an Atheist
All of creation displays God’s glory, but to an Atheist, there is no God. Learn to share the Gospel with someone of this belief system.

How to Share the Gospel With a Wiccan
Wicca is based on mysticism and pagan traditions, which are very opposite of the truth of the Gospel. Learn about Wiccan beliefs here.

How to Share the Gospel With an Agnostic
The Agnostic worldview holds some space for God to exist. Learn how to share the hope of the Gospel with an Agnostic friend.