Ministry Partners
Dare 2 Share believes wholeheartedly in Kingdom collaboration. The best partnerships are those (ministries, denominations, etc.) that accomplish more for the Kingdom together than they would have been able to do on their own. Each partner brings to the partnership their core competency so that each partner’s mission is accelerated as we work together.
meet our partners who help us continually raise up Gospel Advancing leaders who mobilize teens to reach their friends for Jesus Christ
NXT Move
NXT Move is committed to changing the trajectory of Christianity in the next generation around the world. They aim to do this by producing catalytic gatherings, cultivating leadership and creating an environment for collaborative multiplication. Dare 2 Share is partnering with NXT Move to accelerate the Gospel Advancing movement in all ten regions of the world.

Word of Life
Word of Life International Ministries makes a sustainable impact in the nations it touches by equipping foreign ministry leaders though Bible Institute training and empowering missions-minded individuals for ministry. Plus, with a presence in 70+ countries around the world, Word of Life International Ministries conducts short-term trips to support longterm ministries around the world.

Go Movement
The GO MOVEMENT is a united, collaborative effort of many denominations and ministries to mobilize and equip every believer to witness and reach the world together. In 10 years, over 64 million people got saved and reached over one billion people in this collaborated effort. Learn more here.
Colorado Christian University*
Set minutes from Denver and the mainline Rocky Mountains, Colorado Christian University enjoys a world-class location for an outstanding Christ-centered education. With a distinctive close-knit community, top-notch professors who mentor as well as teach, and spiritual formation that encourages you to get off campus and engage with the world, learning is an experience that strengthens your mind and moves your heart. Robust internship and leadership programs mean that your future starts nowāas part of a community of learners. Go beyond.
*Greg Stierās Alma Mater

GM - Grande Mandato
GM – Grande Mandato is a Disciple Making Movement among youth which trains and equips the next generation of leaders, men and women active in every area of Italian society, who intentionally build relationships of trust with people, resulting in disciples who make disciples.

Go Live Dare
Go Live Dare is a Gospel Advancing Ministry partner of Dare 2 Share with the vision to activate the youth in South Africa to live out the priorities of Jesus. Along with community outreach efforts, they have held several trainings using Dare 2 Share content, including the first ever Lead THE Cause in Johannesburg South Africa.
More partners

Church Effectiveness (CE) National


salvation army

National Day of Prayer Task Force

North American Mission Board

Got Questions - Try Alpha

Church of God Ministries

Bible App - YouVersion




Denver Area Youth for Christ

Luis Palau Association

Reach Out Youth Solutions

Youth Leader Collective


National Network of Youth Ministries

campus renewal

LeaderTreks Youth Ministry

City Gospel Movements


Evangelical Free Church of America

The Evangelical Covenant Church

Area Youth Ministry (AYM)

grace church

Jon Burdette Ministries

The Wesleyan Church

He Gets Us

Youth Pastor Summit