3 Ways to Transform Your Life and Ministry - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

3 Ways to Transform Your Life and Ministry

How the life you live today shapes who your students will be in the years to come.



When I first started out in youth ministry, I remember how eager I was to start my first ā€œreal jobā€ as a youth leader in a small, local church. As a passionate guy, I had dreams to build the biggest, best youth ministry program in town.

When I connected with the handful of other youth leaders in the area, my excitement must have been evident because the most seasoned youth leader in town pulled me aside to offer some encouragementā€”and a bit of advice.

Johnny, the youth leader in his 50s, who had been at his church for more than a decade, shared: ā€œDonā€™t lose your excitement for youth ministry, but know that itā€™s going to take about three years for your youth group to reflect your personality and begin to take shape the way you envision it.ā€

At the time, I shrugged it off, tucking it away somewhere deep in the recesses of my memory, and proceeded to do things my way. It wasnā€™t until a few years later in my ministry career that I truly understood how right Johnny had been.

As I came to this realization, it led me to reflect and ask: ā€œWhat exactly have I been modeling for my students? If this youth group has finally taken on my personality, what does that even look like?ā€ It was a turning point in my ministry, a moment when I realized the weight of the example I was setting for the teenagers I was called to lead and the urgent need to take it more seriously.

I share this story to give you a similar word of encouragement as you faithfully lead your students. What you do and how you live will shape your youth ministryā€”whether that takes three years, more time, or less.

There are three things I wish I had started doing earlier in my ministries, and I challenge you to model these for your students.  

1. Pray for the lost people in your life.

Think of one person you know who doesnā€™t know Jesusā€”a family member, a friend, a neighbor, or maybe someone youā€™ve gotten to know when you work out at the gym. Then commit to pray for them daily.

A great way to remember to pray for them daily is to set an alarm on your phone for 10:02 a.m. or p.m., as a reminder of the words Jesus spoke in Luke 10:2 (see what I did there?).

ā€˜The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.ā€™ Luke 10:2

You are the worker being sent into His harvest.

2. Care for the lost people in your life.

This might take the most intentionality of the three. Caring for someone requires getting into their lives, getting to know them and their needs, and being present with them. It could be a commitment to grab a cup of coffee with them (my personal favorite), invite them over for dinner, or go for a walk in your neighborhood and listen to what they want to talk about. Whatever you do, give yourself adequate time to be with them. Make it a priority.

3. Share the Gospel with the lost people in your life.

As you pray for their salvation and find ways to care, be sure to go all the way and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. Out loud. With words. I admire Paulā€™s commitment to sharing the Gospel:

 ā€œFor I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.ā€ 1 Corinthians 2:2.

Is it evident to the lost people in your life how important Jesusā€™s life, death, and resurrection are to you? Are you so passionate about who He is and what He did for you that you canā€™t help but share the hope you have in Jesus?

I want to challenge you to commit to sharing the Gospel with the person youā€™ve already committed to pray for and resolve right now when and where you plan to have this conversation with them.

Be intentional along the way to share your stories and intentionally train your students to do these things as well. Before long, as your youth ministry begins to reflect your example, youā€™ll find yourself leading a Gospel Advancing movement in your city with students reaching their friends and making disciples.

Iā€™m convinced it can be this simple: As you model a lifestyle of prayer, care, and sharing the Gospel, your students will see your example and follow itā€”and Iā€™m convinced it wonā€™t take you anywhere close to three years.

Thatā€™s a life worth living and a youth ministry program worth building.

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