THE Cause - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
"Go and make disciples..."


What is THE Cause?

Teenagers today live in a cause-centric world. They broadcast their causes with their shoes, t-shirts, profile pictures, and hashtags. This speaks to a deep longing to be part of something big, something transcendent, something that will change the world.

We use “THE Cause” as a way to re-brand the Great Commission for the next generation and connect to the heart of teens. Jesus said, “the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10). And His last command to His disciples was to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19).

We believe that what drove Jesus should drive every believer. That’s why THE Cause of Christ is at the heart of everything we do. And when teenagers are captured by THE Cause, they become an unstoppable force for God’s Kingdom!

THE Cause Circle

Whether you’re a youth pastor or a teenager, you have 100 times more influence on your friends than a stranger does. THE Cause Circle is a simple tool that will help you be more intentional about sharing Jesus’ message with your friends. It’s built around three simple priorities that Jesus lived out during His earthly ministry. These same priorities will help you effectively share your faith: Prayer. Care. Share.

Here’s how it works:

Prayer. It all starts with prayer! Jesus often took time away so He could be alone with His Father in prayer. He knew how important it was to talk to God about people, before He talked to people about God…and the same is true for us. When we start by praying for the people we are seeking to reach with the Gospel, it prepares their hearts to hear the good news of Jesus.

Care. Jesus also modeled how important it is to care for people’s needs. Jesus often healed the sick, fed the hungry and helped the hurting. He cared for the whole person, not just their spiritual needs. In the same way, we must love those we are trying to reach. We do this by listening to them and caring for them. They are not projects, they’re people!

Share. After prayer and care, we must lovingly share the Gospel message clearly and confidently. When we invite someone to put their faith in Christ, we are inviting them to make the biggest and best decision of their entire lives. A restored relationship with God is the absolute best news on the planet, so don’t be afraid to ask them to put their trust in Jesus!

If they say “no” or “not now,” continue the Prayer, Care, Share process. And if they say “yes,” celebrate! Then get them plugged into a good church, help them grow deeper in the faith and challenge them to begin their own Cause Circle of Prayer, Care, Share with their own friends.

Check out the video below for a closer look at THE Cause Circle.

Your friends may be in different stages of THE Cause Circle. To keep track of how to pray for them and to access to powerful Gospel sharing tools, make sure to download the Life in 6 Words App! 

Youth Group Activity: Take 5 for THE Cause

If you want to start implementing THE Cause into your youth ministry, here’s a simple, 5-minute idea to get you started.

Each week, take 5 minutes for students to talk about their faith-sharing stories. Here’s are some pointers:

  • Tell students that their stories can be about them praying for unreached friends, how they are serving friends through acts of kindness, or initiating spiritual conversations and sharing the message of the Gospel.
  • Mix up the sharing format each week – share in pairs, small groups, or in front of the whole group.
  • Encourage students to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of having Gospel conversations (including missed opportunities they thought of afterward).
  • After each story, stop and have someone pray specifically for the people involved

As you routinely incorporate this storytelling time into your ministry programming, it will help keep your students’ focused on sharing their faith in their day-to-day lives. Plus, they’ll be challenged and encouraged by hearing about each other’s Gospel-sharing efforts!

Helpful Tips:

  • To successfully include Take 5 in your weekly programming, talk to a few student leaders ahead of time and ask them to share something to help get the ball rolling.
  • Be ready to share stories about your own personal faith-sharing efforts as a leader as well.

Resource: How to Lead THE Cause at School

Want to help your students or friends engage with Christ’s Cause every day? Download this free resource from Dare 2 Share called 4 Everyday Ideas for Students to Lead THE Cause at School.

Image of the 4 Everyday Ideas eBook

Gospel Sharing App

The Life in 6 Words app is filled with training materials and tools to help you share the Gospel with your friends. Download it today to start learning and prepare for your next Gospel conversation.

Available for Apple and Android.

Image of one of the evangelism apps produced by Dare 2 Share Ministries.
The Life in 6 Words app

Lead THE Cause - a summer event for youth groups

Summer camps and mission trips can be great to get teens excited about God. But what happens when they go home?

Lead THE Cause is the weeklong summer camp alternative that transforms teens into passionate disciples who make disciples. At Lead THE Cause, students gain a solid understanding of the Gospel, powerful tools to share it, and opportunities to engage the world around them.

Jumpstart a disciple-making movement in your youth ministry with Lead THE Cause this summer!

Table of Contents