Youth Leaders in Hawaii, We Want Your Help! - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Youth Leaders in Hawaii, We Want Your Help!

Are you ready to see teens in Hawaii get stoked about the gospel? Join us as the islands' first Dare 2 Share LIVE Satellite Site this year!



Aloha, youth leaders!Ā If you want to see your students on fire for the gospel, then we wantĀ youĀ to be part of Dare 2 Share LIVE (LIVE) this year!Ā 

We’re missing a LIVE Satellite Site in Hawaii right now, but your churchĀ could be the church that changes it all.Ā 

Transform Hawaiiā€™s Teenagers With the GospelĀ 

By joining us as a 2019 Satellite Site, youā€™ll be partnering with us in the mission to see every teen everywhereā€”including our favorite islandsā€”hear the gospel from a friend.Ā 

Even on theĀ western edge of the U.S.,Ā your students will experience thisĀ nationwide gospel movement withĀ thousands of other teens on the mainlandĀ simultaneously. Theyā€™llĀ learnĀ to pray for, care for, and share a clear,Ā simpleĀ gospel message with their unsaved friends.Ā DuringĀ the afternoonĀ portion of LIVE, theyā€™ll be unleashed to serve their communities andĀ practiceĀ theirĀ gospel-sharing skillsĀ with those they meet.Ā 

Check out the video below toĀ get a better glimpse of what Dare 2 Share LIVE at your church could look like.Ā 

LIVE isĀ an event that willĀ ignite your teensā€™ passion for reaching the lost. YouĀ donā€™t want to miss it!Ā 

Find out more about becoming a 2019 Satellite SiteĀ here, or go ahead andĀ fill out the applicationĀ to get the process started.Ā Together, let’sĀ get Hawaiiā€™s teenagers amped up about the gospel this year!Ā 

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Join a community of leaders with the vision to see every teen, everywhere, hear the Gospel from a friend.