Lead THE Cause 2022 was an amazing experience that truly showed off the power of the Gospel. God showed up and showed off in the lives of students. We saw 750 attendees equipped, trained, and motivated to share Christ with their worlds. But they say seeing is believing, so check out these amazing pictures and don’t miss the recap video below!
Beautiful Colorado Christian University.
The Colorado Christian University Gymnasium was packed both weeks!
Greg Stier made Gospel training a fun and educational experience, pushing students to become leaders.
Jerrod Gunter impressed students with powerful testimony and challenging convictions.
Zane Black's essentric stories delighted students as they learned how Christ transformed his life.
Each session was highlighted by fantastic worship.
These worship sessions were filled with energy, praise, and dancing!
On Tuesday, students visited the Columbine Memorial.
During the Memorial Experience, students wrote down their prayers to God and laid them before the cross.
A powerful opportunity for students to learn the power of Christ's love.
Students carried the cross to the top of the hill near the Columbine Memorial
The cross is raised over the Memorial.
A great time for Bible study
Between meals and sessions, students enjoyed downtime.
Looks like an intense game!
On Wednesday, students worked with communities around Denver to care for those in need.
Every morning, youth leaders gathered for training, resources, and prayer.
Youth Leader Sessions were highlighted by the main speakers and included specific and intentional training just for leaders.
Technology was on full display through use of the Dare 2 Share Life in 6 Words App.
Looks like everyone is having a fun time!
Frisbee, anyone?
At the end of the week, students engaged in outreach throughout Denver.
Together, they had over 3,700 conversations!
And 110 people gave their lives to Christ
Every evening, students shared the stories of the people they met.
On the final day, students gathered in the mountains for a final farewell.
Together, they worshiped, prayed, and were anointed by their leaders.
They were sent back with prayer and conviction to share the Gospel
We are amazed at the work God did during this week, and cannot wait for 2023!
Did you miss out this year? Don’t worry, Lead THE Cause 2023 will be here before you know it! Join the Insider List for first looks at all upcoming news and stories!