How to Get Your Teens Excited for Dare 2 Share LIVE - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

How to Get Your Teens Excited for Dare 2 Share LIVE

Start building anticipation within your students for the event. Make sure they feel prepared!



Building anticipation within your group for any event is crucial, as it not only attracts a larger student turnout but also enhances their active involvement during the event itself. At Dare 2 Share LIVE, a global day of youth evangelism designed to activate teens to reach their world with the Gospel, getting students invested in the day is especially important.Ā 

Here are tips to spark group excitement:

  1. Build anticipation for Dare 2 Share LIVE by creating excitement during youth group and Sunday school. Highlight your groups awesome plans for the event and watch as they naturally feed off the contagious energy.
  1. Start posting about the event on the youth group social media pages and put posters up around your church. This will keep it at the forefront of your students minds and intensifies their enthusiasm for the upcoming day.
  1. Engage your students actively by involving them in decision-making. Conduct a poll to determine their lunch preferences or to select an outreach location for the day, making the event feel like it truly belongs to them.
  1. Encourage your students to use their creativity to make fun reels or posts about D2S LIVE to your groupā€™s Instagram page. This not only allows them feel further involved, but also will fuel their excitement.
  1. Consider doing a giveaway with your group for those who sign up. For example, whoever signs up can be entered into a raffle for a prize. This adds another element of excitement, and you can encourage them to extend the invitation to their friends so they can be a part of the raffle and day too!

To further equip students for the event, boost their confidence, and pump up their excitement for the outreach time, try this five-session curriculum with your group. When students feel sure of themselves, pre-event jitters go away!

Download this FREE curriculum now:

White Box

The kickoff of D2S LIVE is on the horizon, and the team at Dare 2 Share canā€™t wait to see how God moves during it. Don’t wait, start implementing some of these tips now, and watch as your students start getting pumped up and ready for the day!

Still havenā€™t signed up for LIVE yet? You still have time, register now!

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