Does Gospel Training Actually Stick? - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Does Gospel Training Actually Stick?

Find out how 3 students brought their gospel training from Lead THE Cause back home with them to change lives for God's kingdom.



Witnessing teenagers come alive with a passion to share the gospel is one of the best parts of youth ministry, and itā€™s the best part of our Lead THE Cause event! The gospel training that students receive both equips and motivates them to take the Great Commission seriously. But the real test of the training’s effectiveness comes when students go back home. Does the gospel training actually stick? 

Here are testimonies from three students whose Lead THE Cause experiences helped them bring the power of the gospel back to their circles of influence.

Lily, high school student 

In Core Group (at LTC), they told us to pray that God would lay on our hearts three names of people in our lives that needed to be saved. I prayed and was kind of shocked when I felt God giving me a name. Even more so when the name was my best friendā€™s. I fought it for about three days, even on the flight home. I was so worried about them yet so scared to talk to them.

To my surprise, and Godā€™s plan, they actually brought it up to me! We stayed up talking until almost 6AM, and they got saved. Iā€™ve never praised God so much in my life.

Laci, high school student, second year at LTC 

The first year I attended Lead THE Cause was in Washington, D.C. One of the nights we were challenged to call someone from back home. God instantly put my mom on my heart. My mom at the time was a drug addict, alcoholic, and she was in an abusive relationship. I didnā€™t know how to start a conversation with her because, due to all the abuse and drugs, I moved out and didnā€™t speak to her often.

When I told my youth leader I was thinking about my mom, he instantly prayed with me. I called her and shared everything I’d learned and that night she trusted in Jesus.

Gabby, high school senior, first time at LTC 

On my way home from youth group, my younger sister was talking to her friend (a non-believing, softball teammate) that had come with us that night. I had just spent a week in Washington, D.C. for the LTC conference and felt like God was telling me to put what I learned there into work.

So I asked her what she thought about God and she said, ā€œI believe in God.ā€ I went on to ask who God was to her. After that, she was hesitant and unsure and said, ā€œI donā€™t really know.ā€ I went on to explain the acronym for GOSPEL (something I had trained with on my trip). After that, I asked if that made sense and she said ā€œyesā€, so then I asked, ā€œWould there be anything holding you back from accepting Jesus?ā€ and she said, ā€œNo, I donā€™t think so.ā€

Then I asked if she would like to accept the Lord, and she said ā€œYES!ā€ I asked if she understood that Jesus was the only way to heaven and if she wanted to live for HIM. She smiled and said ā€œYES!ā€ I prayed for her and told her to just tell God in her heart that she knew she was a sinner and that HE was the only way to heaven, and that she wanted to live for HIM!!

After we prayed, my sister and I both gave her a hug. She told us thank you and that she wanted to come back to youth group with us again! It was the most awesome feeling and it was really an amazing experience!!!

Get Your Students Trained to Share the Gospel! 

When gospel training comes home with students and starts changing lives in their world, thatā€™s when its power really solidifies in their hearts and minds. They see God at work in the people they know and it bolsters their faith while motivating them to keep sharing the gospel. 

If youā€™re curious about what the gospel training is like, check out this free Lead THE Cause 2019 Warm-Up Sample Training that weā€™ve put together to give you a taste of what students will learn throughout the week.

You can also request a free LTC Info Kit to learn more about how to get parents and leaders on board, how to register, and how to fundraise for the trip. And of course, you can always go ahead and register your group today if youā€™re ready!

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