Be a Part of the Leading Edge of Revival Within the U.S. Church
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Be a Part of the Leading Edge of Revival Within the U.S. Church



God loves to use the unlikely to accomplish His most important tasks.

Think about it, He used…

…a young shepherd boy named David to bring down a military giant named Goliath.

…a teen queen named Esther to save the Jews (God’s people)

…a prejudiced preacher named Jonah to deliver a message on repentance to a city God deemed wicked

…and a persecutor of Christians named Saul (later Paul) to spread the gospel all across the Mediterranean

(just to name a few)

So when it comes to a revival within the U.S. church, why wouldn’t God consider the youth as a viable group for bringing it about?

At Lead THE Cause (LTC), God is using students from all over the country to bring revival to their communities back home. Check out the effect LTC had on one of this youth leader’s students:

4 years ago I went to the first LTC(U) and it was life changing for all of us, Iā€™ve been to all but one since then, that first year I brought a student that picked up that passion for change, even to this day he is in the military and is sharing the Gospel with other soldiers in his barracks. The ripple effect is still happening 4 years later. ā€” C. Davis, 2015

Another youth leader said this a few weeks after returning from LTC:

In 20 years of ministry Iā€™ve NEVER seen the Kingdom impact that LTC had on our students. Since the start of LTC Denver 2 Ā½ weeks ago, our students have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ 162 times and led 11 to Christ!! It has changed their DNA, they are equipped and released to share the Gospel and to make Disciples like never before! Iā€™ve taught on everything that they learned at LTC, but being trained and doing it for a week changed all of us and changed the Refuge!! ā€” C. Selby, 2015

Join Dare 2 Share this coming summer at Lead THE Cause where your youth group can also be a part of the leading edge of revival in the U.S. church. Learn more.

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