Get Ready for Go Share Day! - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Get Ready for Go Share Day!



Your teenagers are looking for a cause that makes a difference, impacts lives, and changes the world. Why not introduce them to the greatest cause of all, the cause of Christ?

Jesus said in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Jesus was on a search-and-rescue mission to reach lost souls. He was dying to reach them. He died to reach them.

After his death, burial, and resurrection, Christ gave us—his disciples—this same cause: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

This cause of being his “witnesses” across the street, across the tracks, and around the world is every bit as much for you and your teenagers as it was for Jesus and his disciples.

So, what are you gonna do about it?

Introducing: Go Share Day, a Gospel-advancing, disciple-making, soul-transforming outreach, led by teenagers from around the world, that happens on the last Saturday of every month!

Imagine a generation of teenagers in every community, country, and continent, rallying together monthly as youth groups, to pray for, care for, and share the Gospel with those in their cities or circles of influence.

Get the teenagers in your youth group or small group participating in this movement. Their faith will be stretched. Their hearts will be moved. Their friends will be reached!

This could lead to a spiritual awakening that changes the world!

Go Share Day is a partnering initiative between Dare 2 Share, Go Movement, and a myriad of other global and national ministries to rally teenagers on the last Saturday of every month to “go” and “share” the Gospel on the “day.” Hence, Go Share Day!

Because this is a global initiative being embraced on every continent, there will be 24 hours of faith-sharing, led by teenagers and youth leaders, on the last Saturday of every month!

Click on for some simple ideas to get you and your group started.

Since tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month of March, I’ll be taking my daughter and a group of her friends out to serve the homeless and share Christ. Other groups are writing letters to their unreached friends, praying over the letters, and then sending them together. Still others are going out to pray for people and then introduce them to the Gospel using the Life in 6 Words app.

It’s kind of like a game of choose your own adventure. Youth leaders, pastors, and parents choose what the best outreach is for their setting and students (depending on Covid restrictions, demographic, weather, etc.). And then they choose their outreach tool (Life in 6 Words App, The Four, Three Circles, etc.). Finally, they gather together, pray, and go for it!

Our hope is that every outreach activity would have a prayer, care, and share (the Gospel out loud with words) element to it and that teenagers, as well as youth leaders, use #GoShareDay on their social media channels on that day. We want the stories of changed lives that unfold on the last Saturday of every month to encourage teens around the world!

It’s time to engage our teenagers in the greatest cause of all: the cause of Christ! It’s time to join the movement called Go Share Day. Your teenagers will never be the same.

Here’s what others are saying about Go Share Day:

“Imagine creating a lifestyle change in which your teens will truly live life on mission! Go Share Day launches them into their mission field, where they get to live out the priorities of Jesus.”
Don Olding, Founder and President of Go Live Dare South Africa

“It’s astounding how the table seems set for a global Holy Spirit awakening in the younger generation! #GoShareDay offers the next significant opportunity to advance God’s movement, by mobilizing teenage believers around the world to share Jesus with their peers. From my perspective, God has His hand on #GoShareDay and will use it powerfully.” —Barry St. Clair, East-West Ministries International

“#GoShareDay is a great way to rally our youth to reach their friends! Teens are ready to speak up for a cause—what better cause than the Cause of Christ?” —Debbie Bresina, Dare2Share

“Sharing the Gospel never needs to be complicated. Sharing the Gospel cooperatively doesn’t need to be either. I love the vision behind #GoShareDay. Let’s create a rallying point, the last Saturday of each month, and let each church and youth ministry be creative and utilize their best efforts and resources to advance the Gospel to every student. Let’s GO!” —Kent Hulbert, Assemblies of God Youth Ministries

“#GoShareDay is an excellent way to mobilize our students to have an active role in the spreading of the Gospel. By encouraging them and giving them an opportunity to pray, care, and share, we are nudging them along in their journey of discipleship and obedience to The Cause (Matthew 28:18-20).” —Sam Swann, Baptist Convention of New Mexico

“Don’t miss out on intentionally uniting with ministries around the country to reach this generation for Christ. GoShareDay is a strategy for your leaders and students to pray, care, and share the Gospel. Sign your ministry up today.” —Bo Boshers, Lead222

“I am believing that Generation Z could very well be the Revival Generation. Every Revival starts as a prayer movement and evangelism movement among young people. #GoShareDay will help us see the next generation be the church of today in praying, caring, and sharing. Join the movement with us!” —Shane Pruitt, National Next Gen Director of North American Mission Board (NAMB)

“Every teen, everywhere, in every way sharing the Gospel. Let it be so, Lord. At Moms in Prayer International, we call this an amazing answer to our prayers!” —Stacy Callender, Moms in Prayer International

“#GoShareDay falls right in line with our desire to see every student reached, by all means! This steady dose of highly relational evangelism has the potential not only to reach many, but also to keep our students in the thick of the fight for their friends and loved ones.” —Kevin Young, Cru High School Missions Director

“The beauty of the opportunity that #GoShareDay presents us is that it isn’t about one ministry or a handful of ministries being elevated above others. It’s about elevating youth leaders and teenagers around the world to lead the way in the Gospel Advancing movement, as they have Gospel conversations with their friends the last Saturday of every month. It’s about every teen, everywhere, hearing the Gospel from a friend. When they lead, the Kingdom wins, and so do all of us!” —Jason Lamb, Dare2Share

“This is a crucial time to join #GoShareDay, because these strategies invite God’s Kingdom here on Earth. Our country will see Jesus through these efforts!” —Olivia Williamson, Claim Your Campus/Enlightened Students

“Our world is in the midst of crazy times, but we are here for such a time as this. God has allowed us to pray, to care, and to share the story of Jesus. Our prayer is that we step up to the challenge He is giving us. May we, as we go, make disciples and advance the Kingdom.” —Randy Davis, National Network of Youth Ministries

“Go Share Day is a great way to encourage your students to tell the story of Jesus to people in your community! Letting your students know that people all over the world are talking about Jesus together on this one day might be just the thing to give them the courage to tell others as well.” —Travis Deans, 9 Month Mission Trip

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Join a community of leaders with the vision to see every teen, everywhere, hear the Gospel from a friend.