“As large as life…”
“For dear life…”
“Come to life…”
Whenever we hear these familiar phrases, we immediately grasp the concepts. Life is a big deal. It’s important and precious. And by its very nature it bursts forth and brings transformation.
But think with me for a moment about how fitting these normal everyday phrases become when we relate them to something even bigger and more important than life itself, namely, eternal life.
“As large as life…” How large is eternal life? Infinite! It starts now and lasts forever.
“For dear life…” How dear is eternal life? Precious and priceless! For it was bought with a great price, the very blood of Christ.
“Come to life…” How do you come to eternal life? Through Jesus! Eternal life in Christ bursts forth for everyone who trusts in Him alone, breaking us free from sin and death.
This is the “L” of the GOSPEL acrostic: Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.
Cultivating Abundant Life Now
The impact on our lives when we trust in Jesus is both immediate and eternal. Both our quality and quantity of life are changed through faith in Christ. But how well do your students understand how to live out these present and future implications of their life in Christ?
Do they really get that they are not just saved from hell (which is very good thing and a very big deal)! Are they living in the day-to-day reality that they have entered into a personal, dynamic, transforming relationship with God?
The part of eternal life that starts now is all about knowing God personally, intimately, walking with Him moment-by-moment. Jesus put it this way in John 17:3:
And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.
It’s so critically important that we help our students understand that through Jesus this rich, abundant, eternal life starts RIGHT NOW! They have free access to the very throne room of the God of the universe. They can talk to Him anytime of the day or night, no matter how far they fall, no matter where they are or who they are with, no matter what hurt or joy is unfolding in their day.
And God talks to them as well, through the love letter of His Bible, helping them discover how to live in Him and for Him in the midst of this new, exciting purpose He has called them to—making disciples who make disciples.
This very instant they are part of His grand, sweeping Cause of reaching the lost. As Christ followers, they are called to be His ambassadors to a hurting and broken world. In 2 Corinthians 5:20 we see Paul’s eloquent description of this privilege:
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.
Your students are called to be part of something that is larger than life! Do they get that? And are they tapping into the strength He supplies through His Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) for living out this God-sized call?
Anticipating Eternal Life Forever in Heaven
It’s wild when you actually think about the never-ending nature of “eternal life”: the hope of heaven. We will be with Jesus forever and ever. In John 10:28 we read God’s promise: I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me. Do your students understand that nothing can snatch them away from God?
Just imagine being in God’s presence forever! Plus, the last chapter of the last book of the Bible makes it clear that we will “rule and reign forever” with Jesus (Revelation 22:5). This is totally mind-blowing! What teenager wouldn’t get pumped about ruling and reigning?
Now and Forever. This is “eternal life”—our personal, permanent relationship with God. Let’s make sure our students understand that this kind of life is about both the here and now AND the forever after.