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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.


Gospel Advancing Ministry

3 Questions to Help You Program Your Priorities

Do you ever feel like youā€™re little more than a glorified activities director? As a youth leader, itā€™s all too easy to fall into this trap, even though what you

Gospel Advancing Ministry

The Best Demographic in Ministry!

Are youth pastors uncommitted to long-term service in youth ministry? Barnaā€™s recent study, The State of Youth Ministry, discovered that the bulk of youth pastors (39%) currently serving the American

smiling cat
Leading a Youth Ministry

The Happily Dispensable Youth Leader

Itā€™s youth night and youā€™re ready to give the message. As the students pile into the youth room and take their seats, you notice James sitting by himself. Thinking back

Soul Fuel

Take Your Questions to God

ā€œAm I safe?ā€ ā€œWhat if someone comes into my school with a gun?ā€ ā€œWhy do people do things like that?ā€ These are the kinds of questions that swirl in our

Soul Fuel

What’s Your Fight Song?

ā€œThis is my fight song, Take back my life song, Prove I’m alright song, My power’s turned on (Starting right now) I’ll be strong. I’ll play my fight song, And

Soul Fuel

Pixar and The Apostle Paul

By all accounts, Pixar has done it againā€¦ If you havenā€™t seen it yet, Inside Out is truly a brilliant film that (ironically) will take you through just about every

Soul Fuel

Don’t Live in Paper Towns

Refreshing, isnā€™t it?  This summerā€™s ā€œcoming of ageā€ movie, Paper Towns, isnā€™t a flat out, gross out, crass journey through the party scene, nor is it a slushy, mushy drama

Soul Fuel

Finding the Son in Summertime

By now you are (hopefully) fully settled into your summertime routine. Whether you are walking on sunshine or just California dreaminā€™, chances are you are experiencing what Zooey Deschanel is

Soul Fuel

The Corporate Clones

Would you rather be a clone or a robot? I guess there are advantagesā€”and many disadvantagesā€”to both, but if being a robot means that I would have to work on

Soul Fuel

The Fast and Furious Family

Another Fast and Furious movie! There aren’t many movie franchises that make it to #7, but this adrenaline and turbo charged ride is about to reach that milestone. It is clear

Soul Fuel

What Was God Thinking Out Loud?

How do we love Ed Sheeranā€™s Thinking Out Loud?  Let us count the waysā€¦ We love that the music video has 200 million views. We love that Ed is a

free youth ministry resources

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