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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.


Encouragement for Youth Pastors

4 Reasons to Never Give Up

Have you ever felt like giving up in ministry? Of course you have! Every youth leader at some time or another has wondered if their ministry would be better off

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Failures that Count

Running a ministry can often times be completely unpredictable. You donā€™t always know if your efforts will produce the results you hope for or just end up in failure. Say

Soul Fuel

I Hope You Fail

The month of May is pretty spectacularā€”wouldnā€™t you agree? The warm weather is finally returning after the long cold winter, the leaves and flowers are budding, and the air is

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.