What Are You Willing to Risk? - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

What Are You Willing to Risk?



Building a youth ministry that aligns with Jesusā€™ heart can be a dangerous, risky undertaking.

Why? Because, like Jesus, you are opening the door to sacrifice, criticism, rejection and the messiness of dealing with ā€œthe broken.ā€

But consider Jesusā€™ words in Matthew 9:10-13:

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthewā€™s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples.Ā When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ā€œWhy does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?ā€

On hearing this, Jesus said,Ā ā€œIt is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ā€˜I desire mercy, not sacrifice.ā€™Ā For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.ā€

When you actively pursue an outreach-focus in your youth ministry, you are taking risks because you areā€¦

-inviting all sorts of teenagers into your ministry.
-getting yourself and your believing teens into the ā€œgrittyā€ streets where Jesus walked and ministered.
-extending open arms to the broken, the bullied and the bad.

Danielā€™s Keys to Successful Leadership

In the past few energize articles weā€™ve explored Leadership the Daniel Way and sought to apply some of Danielā€™s keys to successful leadership to the context of youth ministry. So far, weā€™ve looked at:

  1. Conviction – WHY you do what you do
  2. Character – WHO you are when nobody is looking
  3. Competence – HOW well you do what you do

While each of these three keys are essential for great leadership, it also takes Courage to step up to the risks that come with radical, revolutionary, transformative ministry in the real world of your week-in-and-week-out responsibilities. Courage is a MUST when the proverbial rubber meets the road.

Risk Is at the Core of Courage, Faith Is at the Core Risk

Daniel was one courageous dudeā€”as were his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Shad, Mesh and A-bed unflinchingly risked death in a fiery furnace in Daniel 3:17-18: ā€œIf we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliverĀ us from it, and he will deliverĀ usĀ from Your Majestyā€™s hand.Ā But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.ā€And we all remember the inspiring story of Daniel risking death in the lionsā€™ den.

What brought these men of God through such tough, challenging times? Faith that God was large and in charge. Courage is fear that says its prayers, and charges ahead anyway.

At our Dare 2 Share (D2S) office in Colorado, we have a quote prominently displayed on our entrance wall. It greets us every day as we come in to work. ā€œAttempt something so great for God, itā€™s doomed to failure unless God be in it.ā€ ā€”John Haggai.

Are you attempting something so great for God in your ministry that itā€™s doomed to failure unless God be in it? I encourage you to grow your faith, trust that God is large and in charge, take a risk and do exactly that!

Assessing Your Mental Roadblocks

There are several prevailing attitudes in youth ministry that can get in the way of aligning your youth ministry with Jesusā€™ heart for seeking and saving the lost. This week, take a look at the list below and identify the ones you are most likely to use as an excuse for pulling back from making evangelism a priority in your ministry. Courageously, prayerfully, faithfully, face them down. Ask God to step into your biases and weaknesses and bring His power and wisdom.

  • ā€œTeenagers must get healed emotionally before they can heal others spiritually.ā€
  • ā€œMy teenagers must be spiritually mature BEFORE they can effectively evangelize.ā€
  • ā€œWe must get all the teens on the bus first before we start driving toward spiritual maturity and evangelistic outreach.ā€
  • ā€œI canā€™t do much if a teenagerā€™s parents arenā€™t on board with their kids sharing their faith.ā€
  • ā€œI share Jesus with my life, not my lips.ā€

What are you willing to risk to lead THE Cause of making disciples who make disciples in your youth group? You can delegate games, worship and teaching, but you canā€™t delegate the responsibility for keeping Christā€™s cause central to your youth ministry.

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