It Will Make a Statement
Your students will know that anytime they bring a lost person to youth group he or she will hear the gospel. This is psychologically invaluable when it comes to the typical teenager in the typical youth group. The typical teenager is uncomfortable bringing up the gospel and sharing the message with his or her friend. So instead of risking the embarrassment of messing up, they shut up. But if that same teenager knows that every single week the gospel will be presented in the youth group setting, there is a strong likelihood that, with some prodding, he or she will invite unchurched friends out to youth group.
It Will Engage Your Students in Spiritual Warfare
When students bring lost friends to youth group they get a new perspective. All of a sudden they are rooting for you to pull off a good lesson, praying for you to give a clear gospel, and asking God to do a mighty work in the lives of their friends. In other words it engages your students in spiritual warfare.
It Will Train Them How to Share the Gospel
One of the side benefits of giving the gospel every week is that it trains your students how to share the gospel. As they hear you give it every week, it reminds them of the basic truth of “Christ and Him crucified” and how to communicate that message in a compelling way.
It Will Remind Them What They Believe
More than ever our teens need a catechism and a creed. They need to understand the basic tenets bullet points of the Christian belief system. These bullets will become their only ammunition when they are unleashed into the post-youth group college dazeworld outside of their youth group. It will give them a strong anchor for their souls in a culture that will assault your students their belief system like a series of tsunamis. When you give the gospel every week at the end of your talk you are taking your teens back through a catechism of sorts. You are reminding them of the most basic building blocks of their faith. This weekly reminder ingrains their belief systems deeper. In the words of my country-bred pastor growing up, āthe more mud you throw against the wall, the more it’s is going to stick.ā