Mission and Movie Night
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Mission & Movie Night



This outreach idea has a little something for everybody. It has purpose, fun, creativity, and it’s gospel-centric. It’s actually pretty cool for me to look back and think how this event morphed and unfolded into a highly effective outreach event for our Student Ministry. Check out the different stages of our “Mission & Movie Night”:

  1. It started as a simple movie night for our students at the church. We were wanting to do something that would provide our students with an opportunity to bring their friends to a very casual gathering at our church.
  2. As we began planning the event we thought this might also be a great way to get our students involved in the overall local missions efforts of our church. Each month our church body brings in items to support a local partner ministry of ours. The monthly donations range from clothing, eye glasses, winter coats, food, etc. The month we were planning the movie night happened to be the month we were collecting food items for “weekend take-home meals” for low-income children that attend the local elementary school our church has adopted. We decided to make the price of admission for the movie night at least one of the food items that would be needed to pack these lunches.
  3. It was at this point that we decide to name the event our “Mission & Movie Night.” In our conversations we began shortening it to “M&M Night” which naturally setup up our theme for the evening – M&M candies. So we decided that all of the snacks that we would purchase for the evening would be the countless varieties of M&M candy that are available: plain, peanut, pretzel, peanut butter, coconut. There was definitely a flavor for everyone!
  4. We decided to show, Remember the Titans, which is a great movie with a fantastic message. Wrapping up a movie is a great way to interject a short “teaching time” and segue into the gospel.

When it was all said and done our students invited their friends out, donated over 250 items for a local ministry, had fun eating (and throwing) M&M candy, watched a great movie, learned biblical truths, and heard the Gospel. All of this was accomplished in a 3 hour event and on a budget of less than $100 to buy candy, drinks and popcorn.

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