Whatever It Takes - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Whatever It Takes

This Easter season, take a cue from Jesus’s 33-year rescue mission.



I love Marvel movies—well, most Marvel movies (sorry Eternals).

My favorite Marvel series is The Avengers. I love this group of superheroes, who wage war against evil. And my favorite Avenger movie by far is Avengers: Endgame. Things looked pretty bleak for the Avengers after Infinity War, but in Endgame they discover a chance to avenge their fallen. They know their teams; they know their mission. It’s the fight of their lives, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes in their war against evil. [Spoiler Alert (come on—it’s been three years!): While avenging their fallen friends, both Iron Man and Black Widow die.]

With great rewards come great risks.

Jesus certainly knew this. After Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God in the garden, they (and all of us) became separated from Him. But God promised to send a deliverer, one who would offer humans a way to once again be made right with Him. And this deliverer—the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”—is God’s Son, Jesus!

During Jesus’s rescue mission here on Earth, over and over again we see Him taking risks, doing whatever it takes for the sake of all mankind. He performed miracles of healing and feeding so others would see who He is. He calmed storms and walked on water to draw His followers into a deep relationship with Him. He flipped the tables of those ripping people off in the temple, knowing He was risking His life. But nothing was riskier than what Jesus did to offer each of us forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Jesus had predicted multiple times to His disciples that He’d be leaving them. His mission: Seek and save the lost—whatever the cost. In the final week of His life, we see him beaten, spit on, mocked, and led away to be crucified—to die for your sins and mine. As Jesus hung on the cross, the last words we hear from Him are found in John 19:30—“It is finished.” God’s Son had completed His mission. By doing whatever it takes, He’d given his life as a ransom for our sins. Good Friday is good because payment for sin had been made.

The disciples were now frantic. Their leader, whom they gave up everything for, was now dead and buried. What were they to do now? Who would they follow? Where were they to go for help? Things looked pretty bleak. And if the story had ended here, things would have been bleak.

But the story of God’s redemption didn’t end here! On the third day, as they arrived at the tomb of Jesus, they were met by an angel who said: “‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell His disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him. Now I have told you.’” Matthew 28:5-7

How Should We Respond?

Jesus did whatever it takes, and as His followers, we get the privilege of doing the same—both personally and with our students. The angels in this passage give two instructions:

  1. Come and see.
  2. Go and tell.

Here are some ways to do whatever it takes in regards to come and see and go and tell:

  • Faithfully give the Gospel every time you gather. This creates “Gospel urgency” in the minds of the students.
  • Have them memorize the G.O.S.P.E.L., so they have “Gospel fluency” and can explain to a friend how to trust in Jesus.
  • Begin each youth group meeting by praying for students’ unsaved friends and encouraging students to consistently find ways to care for those friends and bring up the Gospel with them.

Let’s be avengers together in this battle by doing whatever it takes to snatch souls for Jesus!

New FREE Outreach Curriculum

The Gospel is on bold display in Walk to the Cross, a one-session curriculum that takes students on a journey—via a powerful, 20-minute video—through the brutal last hours of Jesus’s life on Earth. The Good Friday–themed lesson highlights what Jesus’s sacrifice means for students and invites them to trust in Christ for salvation. Download it for free here.

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