You’re Making a Difference! - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

You’re Making a Difference!

You might not be seeing the fruit of your Gospel Advancing ministry just yet, but trust us—it’s growing.



Let’s be honest—sometimes it’s hard to see what God is doing among the day-to-day challenges that come with youth ministry. But be encouraged! We know from both anecdotal stories and research findings that you’re making a big difference in the lives of young people both now and for eternity.

More importantly, we can trust that God is working when we faithfully deliver His Word to students, and we know that it will yield His purposes, as this verse promises:

…my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Isaiah 55:11

If you’re new to Gospel Advancing or are going through a tough season, you might be wondering if it’s worth all the time and energy. From my experience, I can tell you the answer is a resounding yes! I was a youth pastor for 15 years, and while not every story went the way I wanted it to, I am confident that the 7 Values made a big difference in both the short term and the long term in the lives of my students.

Raised on Dare 2 Share

My two favorite students were my own daughters, and we often joke that they were raised on Dare 2 Share. As they’ve transitioned into young adulthood, it’s been amazing to see them both serving vocationally in ministry and using their gifts to further His Kingdom. One of them, Ashley, recorded the video below while she was still in high school.

As amazing as that story is, what’s more incredible is how she’s living her life today as a 23-year-old. She’s not only serving God through her full-time marketing role with an international ministry, but she’s also volunteering with a Gospel Advancing youth group, where she leads a small group of senior girls to become more like Jesus. She uses much of her vacation time for mission trips to share the Good News and also regularly attends Bible study.

Do I sound like a proud mama? I am, but honestly it’s not because of me that she lives this way. It’s because of Jesus and the things she learned by attending a Gospel Advancing youth group.

The Fruit of Gospel Advancing

And she’s not the only one! As a former youth pastor, I’m fortunate to have been able to keep in touch with several former students, thanks to the wonders of social media. It’s been amazing to see how they’ve grown and how God has used them in surprising ways. One is a full-time college campus missionary for InterVarsity, one is a Young Life leader, and another is using politics to share the love of Jesus.

Just a few weeks ago, one of my former students, who’s in her 30s now, texted me to ask for some Life in 6 Words resources because she was leading a Bible study on how to share the Gospel. It’s incredible to see how God has continued to help these students lead Gospel Advancing lives as they’ve grown into adults.

The next time you feel discouraged, remember Ashley’s story and remind yourself that your efforts have a profound impact on students, often beyond what you can see right now. Trust that God is using you and the Gospel Advancing methods to change lives, both now and in the future.

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