Can Revival Happen in Your Youth Group? - Dare 2 Share
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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Can Revival Happen in Your Youth Group?

7 ways youth pastors can surf the wave of revival



Is revival stirring in America? How do we define revival?

Even as you wrestle with those questions, there are simple ways you can help your students’ hearts be open and ready for any work the Lord might want to do in and through them.

Of course, no person can create the wave of true revival. Only God can do that. But once the wave is in motion, we can certainly surf it. Here are seven ideas of how to do so with your students:

1. Talk about revival in youth group this week.

Show some clips of the #AsburyRevival. Then discuss these questions:

  • Read Acts 19:13-20. What were signs the church in Ephesus was experiencing a revival? In what ways are we like the church of Ephesus in this passage? In what ways are we different?
  • Read Revelation 2:1-5. In what ways are we like the church of Ephesus in this passage? In what ways are we different?
  • What would it look like in your own life to make Jesus your first love—or to renew the love you once had? What would it look like for our group to do that?
  • What in your life might you need to get rid of—as the people in Ephesus did—if Jesus is going to be your first love?
  • Look again at Acts 19:20. When the people repented, the “Word of the Lord spread widely.” In what ways can our youth group help the Word of the Lord spread widely?
2. Schedule a prayer, praise, and Scripture-reading time this month.

Keep the microphone open for students to share between prayer and songs. Be sure to give the Gospel clearly for the sake of any unreached teens who may be in the room.

3. Rally your students to pray for their schools.

Carve out time on a Saturday or Sunday to bring your group to a local public school, and pray for revival there. Pray for revival at all the schools your students attend. Use the acrostic P.R.A.Y. (Praise. Request. Admit. Yield.) as a guide.

4. Mobilize your students for #GoShareDay ( this Saturday.

Start with a time of prayer, praise, and focus on Christ. Then watch this video for a quick training on how to share the Gospel, and prayerfully head out to tell people the Good News. Consider encouraging your students to use the Life in 6 Words app as a way to start the conversation and lead someone through the key points of the Gospel.

5. Read this article to your student leaders.

Then use it as a springboard for discussion and as a call to action.

6. Schedule a revival retreat.

Use the passages mentioned in question one or in this article as your outline.

7. Fast and pray for revival.

Don’t go it alone, though. Recruit both your student and adult leaders to join you.

As you do, may we continue to see a mighty movement of God throughout our land—and the entire world!

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