Two Ways We Put the "Live" in Dare 2 Share LIVE - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Two Ways We Put the “Live” in Dare 2 Share LIVE



You’re about to enter into a world unexplored and unexpected. A world marked by four dimensions of ultimate impact: The broadcast. The LIVE experience. The real world interaction. And the power of the gospel message. This stop, the Dare 2 Share LIVE experience.

With only 45 days left in the countdown, Dare 2 Share LIVE is practically here! Forget the confetti. Never mind the glow-in-the-dark-paint. This Christian youth event will excite your teens (and 50,000 others) by mobilizing them to reach out to friends and strangers alike with the message of Godā€™s grace. All across the nationā€”at the exact same time!

But what makes this Christian youth event unlike any other simulcast event ever produced?

We’ve incorporated truly live elements at each of the 72 host site locations, in the prayerful expectation that through the power of God’s Holy Spirit at work in the lives of tens of thousands of students, this day has the potential to launch a movement that could transform a generation.Ā LIVE will touch lives because it is truly LIVE!

Hereā€™s how weā€™re…

Putting the LIVE in Dare 2 Share LIVE

Your Emcee

Who? ā€” Your local emcee is the person on stage your group will interact with the most during your Dare 2 Share LIVE experience.

Initially, we considered cloning Greg Stier, CEO & Founder of Dare 2 Share Ministries, for the position. But then we decided that the world wasnā€™t ready for more than one Greg (despite our great affection for our fearless leaderā€¦this is just simply the honest truth).

Instead, weā€™re personally training an emcee for each location. So no matter which site you join us from, the local emcee will still carry that authentic Dare 2 Share event DNA.

Emcee’s Training ā€” You didn’t think we’d let just anyone stand in front of you and your teens on September 23rd, did you? Thatā€™s why Greg is passionate about D2S screening and providing in-depth training for every emcee well before the big day.

Apart from sharing youth ministry war stories, this training prepares them to give a powerful gospel invitation, engage the audience, maneuver through any onstage problem-solving and keep the D2S LIVE program elements flowing together seamlessly.

Emcees are also briefed on the key event-delivery techniques weā€™ve gathered across our 25 years of producing high quality, transformative experiences for teenagers, including our training style and philosophy of ministry.

Role & Importance ā€” Your host site emcee represents Dare 2 Share and offers continuity throughout the day. Additionally, their main role is to provide interactive, fun training to help students learn how to share the gospel.

The emcee will:

  • Give a clear gospel invitation. You’d be surprised by how many teens at a Christian youth event haven’t made the decision to put their faith in Christ. A gospel invitation gives them an opportunity to fully embrace the gospel. It also provides students with an example of how to invite someone to trust in Jesus in the midst of their own gospel conversations
  • Provide smooth segues between streamed and on-site sessions
  • Interact with the crowd to keep the energy alive
  • Introduce on-site elements (such as the worship band and additional on-site speakers)
  • Provide specific logistical details regarding your site’s outreach time
  • Keep everyone on time and on task so your on-site activities align with the streamed training sessions

Really, without them, the whole live experience would fall apart. Your host site emcee is in charge of making your youth group’s day flow together seamlessly. Additionally, they’ll make your work as a youth leader easier in terms of guiding discussions, taking your teens out during the outreach experience, and inspiring your group to keep the momentum going after the event is over.

So if you see your host site emcee on September 23rd, be sure to thank them for their hard work!

The Band

Who? ā€” What’s better than having music at a Christian youth event? Some live music! That’s right, each host site will have a live band! We know, it’s almost too good to be true, and yet it is.

Role & Importance ā€” Obviously you already know the value of having music at a teen event. A live band at each host site will deepen each teen’s worship experience and enhance their personal encounter with our awesome, loving God who has called them to be His ambassadors! The band will play a critical role in creating an atmosphere that energizes teens to go out and share their faith.

Weā€™re praying 300,000 or more gospel conversations will be launched on September 23rd! God’s going to move! Authentic worship’s going to get real very quickly as students see the impact of the gospel unleashed across the country. So weā€™ll be giving teens a space to join together at their location and praise God for everything He did during the Outreach.

Enter Your Teens’ World

When it comes to our teens, we want what’s best for them spiritually. That’s a no brainer! So the experiences we give them as youth leaders should always support ultimate kingdom impact. They should also meet our teens where they are at. And, they should aim to enter their world and speak their language.

Dare 2 Share LIVE does just that. It gets teens involved in a cause that’s greater than themselves by entering their technologically-advanced, interactive, and very much a-live world. Won’t you and your teens join us for this unexplored and unexpected, first-time ever event to see what God does in and through them to reach their generation?!

Want more information on your specific host site’s emcee and band? Get Dare 2 Share LIVE updates here.

Looking for a Dare 2 Share LIVE location near you? Check out our locations page and register today!

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