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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Leading a Youth Ministry

How to build Evangelism in Your Group's DNA
Leading a Youth Ministry

How to Build Evangelism into Your Group’s DNA

How are you doing at praying and programming evangelism into the DNA of your youth group? Are you actively seeking to inspire and motivate your students to get serious about

Leading a Youth Ministry

Lead with Expectancy

For many Christiansā€”youth leaders includedā€”evangelism is the ā€œred-headed stepchildā€ of our ministries. It makes us feel uncomfortable, embarrassed and guilty. In fact, just the mention of the word ā€œevangelismā€ can

5 Keys to Nurturing a Faith-Sharing Focus
Leading a Youth Ministry

5 Keys to Nurturing a Faith-Sharing Focus

The launch of the upcoming school year is just around the corner! Can you believe it? This means itā€™s time to consider practical steps you can take to motivate and

E-Training: Fit for Life!
How to Share the Gospel

E-Training: Fit for Life!

Not training a Christian teen how to share their faith is like refusing to train a basketball player how to shoot the ball. Rate Yourself: How competent are you when

Love, Hate, Tolerate?
Gospel Advancing Ministry

Love, Hate, Tolerate?

Do you have a particular iconic image that comes to mind when you hear the word INCOMPETENCE? Whether itā€™s the Keystone Cops, Cher in Clueless, or someone else entirely, we

Who Are You When No Oneā€™s Watching?
Gospel Advancing Ministry

Who Are You When No Oneā€™s Watching?

Character is the foundation upon which true leadership is built. Think for a minute about the leaders youā€™ve serve underā€”whether spiritual or secular. Itā€™s much easier to follow a leader

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Are You Building Daniel-Style Leaders?

There are two kinds of leaders. The kind you have to follow and the kind you want to follow. What kind of youth leader are you? And what kind of

Is Giving the Gospel Every Week Overkill?
Leading a Youth Ministry

Is Giving the Gospel Every Week Overkill?

Sharing the gospel every week in your youth group meeting will definitely send your Christian students over the edge. Who wants to hear the same thing week in and week

Leading a Youth Ministry

Is Church a Thing of the Past?

ā€œBelong to a church.ā€ This simple statement drips with commitment. It can trigger panic attacks in grown men and send them running for the doors ā€¦so is it any wonder

Leading a Youth Ministry

Evangelism ā€“ Where Do I Begin?

I was recently reflecting on that pivotal moment in my spiritual journey and ministry when I realized how poorly I was doing at evangelism. When I say poorly, I really

Leading a Youth Ministry

Why Teenagers Are NOT the Church of Tomorrow

Did you ever notice that throughout Scripture God seems somewhat determined when it comes to using young people to accomplish some of his most significant purposes? He used a teenaged

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.