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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Soul Fuel

Soul Fuel - The Ultimate Teen Choice
Soul Fuel

The Ultimate Teen Choice

I find it just a bit ironic that during the Teen Choice Awards this year, Demi Lovato is going to perform Really Donā€™t Careā€¦ Because Iā€™m pretty sure there arenā€™t

Are You a Guardian of the Galaxy?
Soul Fuel

Are You a Guardian of the Galaxy?

Did Marvel just do it again? Arguably the most successful movie franchise of all-time went out on a huge limb with Guardians of the Galaxy, and Iā€™m pretty sure it

Release Your Inner Hercules!
Soul Fuel

Release Your Inner Hercules!

Finally! How long did it take Hollywood to realize that there is only one guy in the known universe who should play the role of Hercules! We donā€™t need another

Who is The Fairest of Them All?
Soul Fuel

Body Image: Who is The Fairest of Them All?

Queen: Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? Magic Mirror: Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. But hold, a lovely maid I see. Rags cannot hide

Am I Wrong? Probably!
Soul Fuel

Am I Wrong? Probably!

Am I wrong? That is perhaps one of the most haunting questions known to humanity. The gnawing feeling that our choices and actions may somehow end up biting us in

How to Celebrate Independence Day
Soul Fuel

How to Celebrate Independence Day

Freedomā€¦ Is there any other word in the English language so sweet? Thatā€™s what the Founding Fathers of The United States of America believed anyway. They loved the word, and

Soul Fuel - Jesus and the World Cup
Soul Fuel

Jesus and the World Cup

If you are a fan of soccer – er, well ā€œfutbol,ā€ that is, I know you must be excited about the World Cup.  Every four years, 32 teams from across

The Cure for Awkward
Soul Fuel

The Cure for Awkward

If you are, or ever have been a teenager, you understand awkward. Even the word itself is: awkĀ·wardĀ Ā [awk-werd]Ā Ā adjective lackingĀ socialĀ gracesĀ orĀ manners:Ā aĀ simple,Ā awkwardĀ frontiersman.Ā Synonyms:Ā gauche, unpolished, unrefined;Ā blundering,Ā oafish;Ā ill-mannered,Ā unmannerly,Ā ill-bred (Source: Whether itā€™s being physically clumsy or socially

Thank You, Lorde
Soul Fuel

Thank You, Lorde

Raise your hand if you like Lordeā€¦ Iā€™m not saying ā€œthrow your hands up in the airā€ like some generic party song – I mean signify that you are a

Is the Fault in Our Stars?
Soul Fuel

Is the Fault in Our Stars?

Girl (with cancer) meets boy (with cancer). The two fall in love, head off to Amsterdam to meet their favorite author (who is a cranky drunk), and you have the

Maleficent the Misunderstood?
Soul Fuel

Maleficent the Misunderstood?

I remember being very creeped out by Maleficent as a kid. The combination of the goat horns with the green goddess nuclear fog that always trailed her was the stuff

Soul Fuel

Are you looking up?

I would assume that because you are reading this, you are looking down at your phone, laptop, iPad, iPad mini, or any other number of enslaving devices that have literally

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