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Helping youth leaders empower
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Soul Fuel

Don’t Live in Paper Towns

Refreshing, isnā€™t it?  This summerā€™s ā€œcoming of ageā€ movie, Paper Towns, isnā€™t a flat out, gross out, crass journey through the party scene, nor is it a slushy, mushy drama

Soul Fuel

Watch Me…and Watch What God Can Do!

Many of you thought that the viral sensation from 2012 known as Gangnam Style was a sign of the end timesā€¦ I was in agreement with that, yet here we

Soul Fuel

Finding the Son in Summertime

By now you are (hopefully) fully settled into your summertime routine. Whether you are walking on sunshine or just California dreaminā€™, chances are you are experiencing what Zooey Deschanel is

Soul Fuel

Terminate Your Past!

Was it really 31 years ago when Arnold first uttered the iconic phrase ā€œIā€™ll be backā€ in the first Terminator series? And after that, I think he said it in

Soul Fuel

The Corporate Clones

Would you rather be a clone or a robot? I guess there are advantagesā€”and many disadvantagesā€”to both, but if being a robot means that I would have to work on

Soul Fuel

The Original Indominus Rex

Twenty-two years in the makingā€”both in real life and in the Jurassic World time line, and we finally have the fourth installment of the awesome, deadly dinosaur series. Who of

Soul Fuel

Will We See You Again?

It’s been a long day without you, my friend. And I’ll tell you all about it, when I see you again. We’ve come a long way from where we began.

Soul Fuel

The Battle of Personalities

Are you familiar with Russ and Milt? They are the two stars in the CBS cop dramedyĀ Battle Creek, which unfortunately is in its final season as I write. To be

Soul Fuel

What will Tomorrowland be like?

A vista into a world of wondrous ideas, signifying Man’s achievements… A step into the future, with predictions of constructed things to come. Tomorrow offers new frontiers in science, adventure

Soul Fuel

I Hope You Fail

The month of May is pretty spectacularā€”wouldnā€™t you agree? The warm weather is finally returning after the long cold winter, the leaves and flowers are budding, and the air is

Soul Fuel

The Ultimate Avenger

Oh, to be one of the Avengersā€”am I right? Iā€™m sure if you asked 1000 people on the streets, they would all have one or two of our superheroes that

Soul Fuel

The Last Man on Earth?

If you havenā€™t seen the show, you can probably guess the plot line without much effort, right? A massive virus hits the planet, and there is one guy leftā€¦brilliant! Actually,

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