You Have Been Chosen!
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

You Have Been Chosen!



Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up and realize that much of what you thought was reality was actually only half of the picture?

That’s probably the feeling that children get when they find out their parents are getting divorced, or when you discover that your boyfriend or girlfriend has been cheating on you – right?

I know I felt that way when I realized that The Avengers are actually fictional characters, but that’s a whole other story.

But imagine the utter kick in the gut feeling Clary Fray must have felt when she uncovered a truth about the world that she probably hadn’t encountered in her worst nightmares.

Who is Clary Fray and what exactly did she unearth?

Well, for those not familiar with The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones book or movie, Clary Fray is a normal teenage girl pursuing a typical adolescent life when a series of unfortunate spiritual events come her way.  First her mother is abducted, and shortly thereafter she finds out that beneath the thin veneer of this physical world is a deeply complicated and intensely violent spiritual reality that has great impact on planet Earth.

But instead of relying on The Mortal Instruments to get our spiritual antennas up, let’s take a look at a truth from God’s Word that should smack each of us with a much needed Clary Fray-type moment:

Our fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens (Ephesians 6:12).

Or here’s the way another version of the Bible puts it:

We’re not waging war against enemies of flesh and blood alone. No, this fight is against tyrants, against authorities, against supernatural powers and demon princes that slither in the darkness of this world, and against wicked spiritual armies that lurk about in heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:12 The Voice).

Wait – hold up a second! You mean this whole “good vs. evil” spiritual battle involving angels and demons isn’t just something that’s been conjured up in the minds of YA (Young Adult) authors and producers?

Well, maybe the bare-chested werewolves and pale-faced Pattinsons are, but don’t believe for a moment that what you see is all you get in this life.  The reality is that the world portrayed in The Mortal Instruments is eerily similar to our own day-to-day life.  There are myriads of unseen forces at work for the glory of God and also for the schemes of the devil.

And you have been chosen…

Chosen for what???

…to join THE Cause of Christ and rescue people from the captivity of Satan and his demons by sharing the gospel.

…to help the poor and oppressed who are victims of the war the enemy wages.

…to live each moment as if an unseen battle rages all around you.

Because it does!

By the way, not choosing to fight in this war is also a choice.  Unfortunately, that’s the one that many Christians have made – and if you are sitting on the sidelines of denial and/or passive resistance, then you have conceded your little corner of the world to the enemy of our souls.

That’s why God gave us such specific instructions on how to enter into the fray and battle Satan for the most cherished and beloved objects of our Father in Heaven, which is nothing short of human souls:

Stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God.  Wear shoes on your feet which are the Good News of peace.  Most important of all, you need a covering of faith in front of you. This is to put out the fire-arrows of the devil. The covering for your head is that you have been saved from the punishment of sin. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:14-17, NLV).

Isn’t this amazing?  At our disposal are a suit of spiritual “armor” and an arsenal of spiritual weapons that are invincible when used in the power of the Holy Spirit.  And remember, the command to take up spiritual arms and battle Satan and his forces is not just directed at the “super-Christians” or those who have walked with Jesus for a long time.  This is a letter sent directly from the throne room of heaven to your front door, and the time has come for you to answer the call.

Will you choose to be an instrument for the Immortal God?

Flashpoint: Ignite Into Action

This week, put on your “spiritual glasses” and try to look beyond just the physical realities that are in front of you.  Pay attention to the spiritual war that wages all around you. You’ll start to see the role you have been called to play in the lives of your friends and family.


Accelerant: Fuel for THE Cause

Pray: Father, open the eyes of our heart to the plans and schemes of the enemy so that we can take up the spiritual arms You’ve provided to help us in the battle.  May we be victorious for You as we fight in the power of Your Holy Spirit and bring glory to Jesus and further THE Cause of Christ.

Read: 2 Corinthians 10:4. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.

Discussion Questions for Leaders:

Big Idea: Movies or books like The Mortal Instruments remind us that we live in a universe that is more than the physical world we see with our eyes.  We are all engaged in spiritual warfare and we need to put on the armor of God and fight for our friends who need Jesus.

Key Scripture: Ephesians 6:12; 14-17

ALT-ernative Questions:

  • Would you want to live in the world of Clary Fray?  Why or why not?
  • How have you seen spiritual warfare in your own life?
  •  Which piece of “armor” from Ephesians 6 is the hardest for you to put on?  Why?
  • In what ways could you apply this Soul Fuel to THE Cause?

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