When Life Changes Pitch - Dare 2 Share
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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

When Life Changes Pitch



How did Noah sing?…Arkapella!

And how do trees sing?…Oakapella!

But most importantly, what do you call a bunch of llamas that like to sing?…Alpacapella!

In the distant past, these cheesy jokes were probably funnier for a more select group of music fans who appreciated a musical performance without any instrumentation called “A Capellaā€”which literally means ā€œin chapel style.ā€

In the way, way distant past, choirs just sang in a chapel without instruments, but now this amazing vocal genre has busted out with panache on prime time shows, and it even became the theme of a sleeper hit movie called Pitch Perfect.

When the winds of change blow, we often try to hold on to the familiar.

And even though Pitch Perfect was fine as a standalone story, the Barden Bellas are back together for their last year together and a chance to redeem themselves once more.

In terms of the movie, audiences who are looking for it to measure up to the first one, may be dissatisfied. The performances are ones that you can take note of for sure, but overall, I feel like the movie fell flat. Many of the jokes are overly strung out during the movie, so in that sense, I donā€™t see it as sharp as the original.

OK, I wonā€™t pun-ish you any more, but I would like to mention that the film brings out a common theme that is experienced by all peopleā€”regardless of your musical talent (or lack thereof)!

In the midst of the competitions and the Bellas boisterous banter, is the story of leaving the safety of familiarity and launching out on your own. For the girls, this is difficult, because of the amazing bonding experiences they have shared and the glory they achieved.

And the same is true for usā€”right? Life has so many ups and downs, and in the midst of these experiences, we make friends and encounter successes that leave a permanent mark on our souls. So when the winds of change blow our way, we often try to keep an unflinching grip on what is familiar and comfortable.

But unfortunately, life will not allow us to stand still and bask in glory. If it did, we would all end up complacent and quite frankly, bored to tears. And the really good news is that you donā€™t need to be afraid of what the future holds when you know Who holds the future! Hereā€™s the way the Apostle Paul describes this truth:

I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.Ā No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,Ā I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us (Philippians 3:12-14).

Paul had a ā€˜pitch perfectā€™ type background in his past. He was a well trained and disciplined religious leader who had a very bright future in store. But when he gave his life to Christ, everything he had counted on was turned upside down, and he had to change his focus from success to the Savior.

Look at the shifting circumstances of your life as the vehicle God is using to enrich it.

If you are in a place where there are changing circumstances and relationships looming on the horizon, remember the counsel that He gives us from His truth. We need to forget the past. Not in a way that minimizes our accomplishments and experiences, but rather in more of a perspective change. Even the greatest of achievements pale in comparison to a relationship with Jesus Christ, and even the most exciting experiences are ultimately meaningless, unless they deepen our lifeā€™s journey with our Savior.

So the bottom line is this: circumstances are temporary and people change, but the pursuit of Jesus Christ and spending our lives focused on His glory is an investment in eternity. Look at the shifting circumstances of your life as the vehicle God is using to enrich your life with love for Jesus and others. When others are saying goodbye, hear the voice of Jesus calling you to whatever new opportunity He has planned for you before the beginning of time.

If you do, your life will crescendo in amazing movements to a culmination of a life that the angels will sing about as you enter the gates of heavenā€”a song that will be sung in the most perfect pitch in the universe!

Flashpoint: Ignite Into Action

Our lives are songs that change key and change with different harmonies. When those changes come, we need to forget what lies behind, and press on towards the prize of knowing and glorifying Jesus.

Accelerant: Fuel for THE Cause

Pray: Father, thank You that we can set our gaze on you and be able to let the past go when life changes. Help us to see every change as an opportunity to grow in our relationship with You and a chance to further THE Cause of Christ.

Read: Isaiah 43:18. ā€œBut forget all thatā€”it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.ā€

Get:Ā  4 Ideas to Make the Most of Graduation. Youth leaders, check out this helpful article to help you make the most of graduation season.

Discussion Guide for Leaders

Want to use this Soul Fuel as a bible study with your students this week? Copy and text them the following: “Are you going through a major change in life and desire to keep things as they are? Read this week’s devo and perspective on what change does for your life: http://hubs.ly/y0N1mK0

Big Idea:Ā When circumstances change, we have an opportunity to forget the past and fix our eyes on Jesus.

Key Scripture:Ā Philippians 3:12-14

Discussion Questions:

  • What major changes have you experienced in your life?
  • What has helped you forget the past and focus on Christ??
  • What is one way you can live out this truth this week?
  • How can you apply this Soul Fuel to THE Cause?

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