Who would have guessed that two guys who you wouldn’t recognize in a line up from a country you (unfortunately) probably couldn’t find on a map would create a profound video that asks one of the most haunting questions of all time?
What does the fox say?
I must not be alone in my sentiment, because since this video started sneaking its little paws up the charts, the views currently stand at over 178 million!
Multiple covers of the song, The Fox, and impressive late night talk show appearances by Ylvis clearly indicate that this catchy gangham-meets-animal-kingdom sensation is not going to sneak off to its hole anytime soon.
But…will we ever know?
Experts tell me that the true sound of a fox is more like a high pitched screech than a “Bay-budabud-dum-bam,”* but that wouldn’t have been a good fit for a dance video, right?
No offense to Ylvis, but I actually know what the fox says, because the Creator of our furry friend gave us a warning about this cunning and clever creature: Catch the foxes for us, yes, the little foxes! They are ruining the vineyards when our vineyards are in bloom! (Song of Solomon 2:15).
This relatively unknown verse from a largely unread book of the Bible contains some profound wisdom that should be as stuck in our head as “Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!”*
Because as cute and cuddly as foxes may be, they are a complete menace to the vineyards that grow delectable grapes. One little fox can burrow underneath a vine and cause incredibly disproportionate damage to what would have been a productive and fruit bearing plant.
Now I know that most likely none of you are growing grapes in real life, but in our spiritual lives Jesus tells us that we are all a part of the largest vineyard on the planet:
I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit (John 15:5).
Every Christian is connected to Jesus relationally, and through that connection we “bear fruit” – which means that our lives are characterized by love, joy, peace, patience and a host of other Christ-like qualities that bring honor to God.
But what does the fox say?
The fox says that he wants to ruin the vineyard. The little foxes are the ones that seem harmless, but they bring damage and destruction before you can say “A-oo-oo-oo-ooo!”*
The little foxes are the habits we tolerate that we know are hurting our relationship with Jesus. They are the little compromises we make with the Enemy that cut us off from the life giving connection with our Savior.
They are the little attitudes of anger, bitterness and apathy that devour our heart’s desire to serve the Living God. They are the little choices we make with our time that fill our hearts and minds with images and deceptions that spoil our commitment to the Savior.
We all have little foxes that seem cute and harmless in our vineyard, but the Bible warns us that we must catch them immediately! The fact that our secret sins are “little” makes them all the more dangerous, because they are the ones that burrow into our soul and cause incredibly disproportionate damage to our walk with Jesus.
And even though the world can’t see the little foxes we let loose in our vineyard, they are witness to their effects. Christians who praise Jesus on Sunday and yet deny Him Monday through Saturday do more damage to THE Cause of Christ than an army of foxes to a vineyard!
But on the other hand, when our friends who don’t know Jesus experience the fruit produced by the healthy and flourishing vine of our walk with God, they want to know the reason for the hope that lies within us. The world is attracted to thriving and growing landscapes, and there is nothing more picturesque than followers of Christ who have tended to their vineyard and have the love of Jesus spilling over from their lives.
So my friends, let’s get busy catching those little critters that would undo our growing and fruitful relationship with Jesus. Change your perspective on their supposed harmless and cuddly appearance, because a fallen Christian who has the reputation of a hypocrite is not cute or heartwarming.
What does the fox say? I don’t know – because I caught that little nuisance and sent him back to Norway…
*Source: The Fox by Ylvis
Flashpoint: Ignite Into Action
The Fox video provides a great opportunity for you to talk about your relationship with Jesus and how it is the most important thing in your life. Think about the “little foxes” that put your walk with Christ in danger, and talk your friends about how you can catch them and prevent them from spoiling your vineyard.
Accelerant: Fuel for THE Cause
Pray: Father, thank you for warning us about the ‘little foxes’ that can spoil our walk with Jesus. Please give us insight into these areas, and help us catch them before they damage the love we have for You.
Read: Galatians 5:9. This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough!
Get: How Can I Overcome a Sinful Habit? Check out this helpful article on how to battle a recurring sin area in your life.
Discussion Questions for Leaders:
Big Idea: The Fox video reminds us of Song of Solomon 2:15, where God reminds us that the little foxes in our lives can destroy our relationship with Jesus and damage our witness for Him.
Key Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:15
Discussion Questions:
- What are the “little foxes” in your life?
- How can you catch them?
- Why do we tend to tolerate them, even though we know how much damage they can do?
- How can you use this Soul Fuel to further THE Cause of Christ and spread His message?