4 Ways to Multiply Your Influence - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

4 Ways to Multiply Your Influence



Do you know what was one of the most radical statements Jesus ever made to His disciples? I know, there were a lot of crazy things that could make the list: Take up your cross and follow me; the first will be last and the last will be first; if you want to be my disciple you must hate your father and mother, wife and children, and your brothers and sisters.

Itā€™s no wonder the disciples once said, ā€œThis is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it” (John 6:60)? Jesus wasnā€™t your typical leader. He often times turned away crowds, said outrageous things and went against the grain of established leadership. But even with all of those teachings under his belt, there was still one statement Jesus made that was so radical and farfetched that we often times completely ignore it. Matthew 28:19 says,

ā€œTherefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.ā€

Try This! āÆ

At your next youth gathering, go over the GOSPEL acrostic during your closing invitation to follow Christ.

The Great Commission or THE Cause, as Dare 2 Share like to call it, takes every crazy, outlandish and a-typical statement that Jesus has ever said and calls His disciples to make believers out of it. Some have treated THE Cause like a suggestion or a relic of the past that only apostles had to worry about. But if you want to develop a Gospel Advancing Ministry where leaders fully embrace and model gospel advancement, then you need to multiply your influence through THE Cause of Christ. Here are four ways to multiply your influence.

1. Understand Who is Being Multiplied

As the leader, you are trying to create multiplication, but not just any kind of multiplication; you are trying to multiply yourself. Everyone in your ministry is looking to you as the example. There is no way of escaping the watchful eye if you are placed in a position of leadership. Make sure you are living a life worth following, and make sure you are Recruiting the Right Leaders who are modeling this as well. Remember, the closer you are to God, the more you will resemble Him and, consequently, the more your students and leaders will resemble Him as well.

2. Explain THE Cause

Changing the way someone sees the world requires a leader to help guide him or her. If you want to see THE Cause go out into the world, then you need to be training your students and leaders to understand the importance of THE Cause and why it is worth sharing. Take your time explaining the gospel message, and never assume that they fully understand the gospel. Donā€™t worry, we got you covered: try using our simple and easy to remember GOSPEL acrostic to help your students understand and share the gospel.

Changing the way someone sees the world requires a leader to help guide them. Share on X

3. Rethink How to Reach People

Oftentimes, as ministry leaders, we are individually taught and encouraged to reach everyone. While widespread evangelism should always be a high priority, it is humanly impossible to reach everyone by yourself. If Christ couldnā€™t do it, how could we? Jesus understood that replicating Himself through disciple-making, empowered believers who are in-filled with the Holy Spirit would not just make splashes in the Kingdom of God, but waves. This is why He said, ā€œanyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Fatherā€ (John 14:12-14).

Show your leaders, therefore, how to pray, and then pray together. Demonstrate what kindness and service looks like, and then serve together. And as you develop and train those who follow you, proclaim together THE Cause of Christ to the people within your sphere of influence. If you invest the prayer and time into disciple making, you will empower the church to reach them all.

4. The 10% Rule

As you try to grow into a Gospel Advancing Ministry, think of the 10% rule. The 10% rule has scientifically shown that when 10% of the population is 100% unshakably committed to a belief, the majority of the population will eventually accept their belief.

For better or for worse, the 10% rule has proven itself to be effective within history. Time after time marginalized, committed groups will eventually sway the common consensus. This happened in Germany with the Nazi regime, in America with the civil rights movement and within the first four centuries of the early church. People who are 100% committed have the power to change the world. Therefore, letā€™s strive to change the world by getting students to make a 100% commitment to follow Christ. One great way to help students become 100% committed is by sending them to our weeklong summer discipleship-training event called Lead THE Cause.

Join in the radical Cause that Jesus sent His disciples on. Be the gospel advancing leader who recognizes that it is not about reaching everyone by yourself, but teaming up together to change the world we live in through the power of the gospel.

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