4 Simple Ways to Share Your Faith on Social Media
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students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

4 Simple Ways to Share Your Faith on Social Media



Have you ever tried to share your faith through Twitter or Facebook? Is it possible?

Before we think about traveling down the virtual path, lets lay a foundation of a different type of trip…

I’ve often joked with groups of students, “who here would be willing to leave right now for a road trip to the Grand Canyon?” It doesn’t really matter what the destination is, I’ve named Disneyland, Skiing in Colorado, I’ve even named In-N-Out Burger; students are road trip oriented and would be willing to go just about anywhere.

So when it comes to naming the destination for a mission trip, as long as it requires getting into a van and driving some distance, we were sure to get students to sign up. But you and I both know that missions shouldn’t be just about the trip.

Several years ago when I started the organization I lead, Youthmark, I wanted to build the organization around something that was much more than just a trip. We call it Mission51- training for the 51 weeks beyond the one week mission. In essence it is The Cause.

I believe that mission is not a trip. Mission is here, there and anywhere.

If we really believe Jesus when he says we will be his witness in “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost” than we ought-not think of missions as only “over there.” Mission literally is in our own neighborhood and even in our own online circles.

Take The FOF Challenge (Faith On Facebook)

Take the time to check out fofchallenge.com, it is an online tool that was created to help people begin spiritual conversations simply by using a status update.

It’s a simple process.

  1. Create a status similar to this: “Ask me about my FOF Challenge!”
  2. When people write on your Timeline (something like): “What’s an FOF?”
  3. Private message them something along the lines of “It stands for Faith On Facebook Challenge, I’ve been challenged to find out what my friends think about Jesus. So, what do you think about Jesus?”
  4. Be sure to reply on your timeline to their comment as well, say something like: “I just sent you a private message about the FOF, check it out and respond” (this way others  will be enticed to ask as well).

Be Ready To Share

Your friends will likely give you their thoughts about Jesus, some of them will be sincere where others may just joke, but more than likely they’ll ask you, “what do you think of Jesus?”

This is a great time for you to share your story. Share about your personal faith in Jesus and that you’ve been rescued from your sins by the work of Jesus on the cross. Be sure to communicate that this was something you couldn’t do on your own, but was simply by faith and God’s grace!

There are plenty of helps at the FOF website here.

Use a tool like the G.O.S.P.E.L. or something similar (did you know Dare 2 Share now has an app?).

The FOF Challenge may give you the opportunity online to open up a conversation that could lead to an in person coffee conversation where you can share more personally about what Jesus has done for you. That is a worthy road trip if I’ve ever heard of one!

What were some of the responses you got when you posted “Ask me about my FOF Challenge?”

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