This Is THE Year to Come to Lead THE Cause! - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

This Is THE Year to Come to Lead THE Cause!

Some key aspects of Lead THE Cause have been revamped for 2018. Find out why this is going to be THE year to bring your students to LTC!



If youā€™ve ever been to Lead THE Cause (LTC), you know that it can completely transform teenagers into effective, devoted, fearless ambassadors for Christ. Itā€™s a week where high school students undergo rapid intensification in their passion for the gospel and love for the lost. Itā€™s seriously awesome.

In years past, students were trained to share the gospel using the ā€œCause Circleā€ that went through the steps of pray, pursue, and persuade. In an effort to keep LTC as impactful as possible, this yearā€™s Cause Circle and LTC schedule have been overhauled to give students what we pray will be the best Lead THE Cause experience yet!

Here are LTC trainers Greg Stier, Doug Holliday, and Zane Black to break down what this LTC revamp is going to look like:

Check out Greg Stier, Doug Holliday, and Zane Blackā€™s speaker bios on the LTC page!

ā€œAmpedā€ to Amplify Christ!

Like Zane said, the new Cause Circle will walk students through prayer, care, share, and dare. Students will receive practical training during the morning sessions and will then focus on one part of the Cause Circle each afternoon. Theyā€™ll get opportunities to pray for their lost friends, care for people in the community, share the gospel with strangers, and finally be dared to share their faith with lost friends back home.

ā€œEvery day weā€™re going to amp it up as we go through prayer, care, share, and then on the ā€˜dareā€™ day, theyā€™re going to get to share their faith with three unreached friends,ā€ Greg explains. ā€œTheyā€™ll all leave with a personal strategy and a group strategy to really reach their campuses for Christ.ā€

Zane says, ā€œWe want to look at these steps as a cycle, not just at [LTC], but also as you go home to create this rhythm in your life.ā€

Evening sessions will be focused on the theme Amplify. ā€œWeā€™ll be learning to amplify through the power of the Holy Spirit,ā€ Doug Holliday explains. ā€œWeā€™re amplifying not just the message of the gospel, but amplifying your faith, amplifying your love, amplifying THE Cause of Christ, and ultimately amplifying Jesus Himself, our King.ā€

LTC trainers will be going over the life of Philip the Evangelist in the book of Acts, exploring how God used his life, love, actions, and words to amplify Christ and spread of the gospel.

ā€œThe night sessions are going to feel more like camp and will be very inspirational,ā€ Greg says. ā€œWeā€™re going to really inspire the students and have a celebration of inspiration to amplify THE Cause of Christ.ā€

Get Your Students On Mission for Life

Every year, students and youth leaders have told us their stories of how God used a week at LTC to grow their faith and ignite their passion to reach the lost. By Godā€™s grace, this new spin on the Cause Circle and the weekā€™s schedule will ignite a passion in even more students to reach their lost friends with the hope of Jesus.

ā€œMaybe youā€™ve been to Lead THE Cause in the pastā€”come again. Itā€™s the same DNA but itā€™s going to feel really new and exciting,ā€ says Greg. ā€œIf youā€™ve never been, come and check it out. If you want to inspire your students, you want to equip them, you want to unleash them, and you want to be encouraged, come to Lead THE Cause this summer.ā€

Weā€™d love to see you and your high school students at one of our five LTC locations this summer: Austin, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Make sure to register for your cityĀ while there’s still room, or request a free Info Kit to learn more about what youā€™ll experience at this powerful event. See you this summer!

Get digital access to the Info Kit here!

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