Special training tracks for students who come back to Lead THE Cause
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Why should students come back to Lead THE Cause for a 2nd or 3rd year?



If you’re looking at bringing students to Lead THE Cause for the first time, or maybe even incorporating the summer urban mission trip into your regular ministry schedule, you might be wondering, what is the value for students who have already been? Do they learn the same things over again?

Not only do returning students get a great refresher course on the evangelism training skills they learned the first time, our special alumni tracks push them further into advanced disciple-making and leadership skills, helping them lead the charge in your youth group.

Below is the breakout of the core training progression from the first to the second year, and then we have a new program that weā€™re really excited about

All attendees unless they are alumni or recommended by their youth leader
All attendees will go through ā€œbasic trainingā€ to learn the skills and approaches to effectively and confidently sharing their faith in a relational and conversational manner.

Ask, Admire, Admit

The key to effectively sharing your faith is by having a conversation, not giving a presentation. People are more open to discussing their spiritual views when they know that you genuinely care about them and want to know what they believe and why. This session goes over our proven approach that allows you to start a spiritual conversation in non-offensive, genuine way.


The Gospel is an overview of the entire story of the Bible. In this session you will drill down into each letter of our GOSPEL acrostic so that you have a thorough understanding of what the good news is and so that you can remember it in the midst of your conversation. A great tool for you that will increase your confidence in being able to really share Christ and Godā€™s plan with your friends, family, teammates and neighbors.

Now What?

The point of sharing the gospel is for the person to understand what God has done for them and that He desires a relationship with them. Bringing them to a point where they understand that they need to decide what they are going to do about Jesus is a critical component of sharing the gospel, but many of us have a hard time when it comes to bringing them to a decision. Now What? Helps students with this crucial skill and provides approaches that will enable them to give the listener a chance to respond to Godā€™s love.

Training for Returning Students

For those students who are returning to Lead THE Cause, we have created a second year and third year track to take your students deeper into their faith, their ability to share their faith and to grow as a disciple-maker and leader.

Core 202
2nd year (and beyond) attendees
These sessions occur at the same time as Core 101 in the mornings and are for 2nd year (and beyond) students. A bit more intense, youā€™ll be pushed in the areas of personal renewal, apologetics and disciple-making.

Oil and Fire

What is the calling that The Lord has on your life? How has He shaped you to Live and Lead THE Cause? This is what Oil and Fire explores. A life-changing time of reflection and prayer to seek out Godā€™s call on your life and how HE wants to use you now, throughout your high school years and into the future.

Apologetics without Bruises

No one was ever argued into Godā€™s Kingdom. So what role does apologetics play in spiritual conversations? This session will help students learn how, when and what to share and will give them greater confidence in the Word of God as they engage in gospel conversations.

How to Make a Disciple

A disciple is a life-long endeavor, and it is one which is meant to replicate itself. This session helps your students continue their journey with Jesus as well as giving them an understanding and tools to help them bring others along the journey with them.

The Next Level
(TNL) 3rd year attendees & college students
Are you ready for this? TNL is the “special forces” component of Lead THE Cause. Itā€™s where leaders are equipped to effectively lead among their peers. Designed for 3rd year attendees and college students, this track meets every morning (8:00 ā€“ 8:45) with one of the main stage speakers to be challenged in their walk with the Lord and equipped with key leadership principles. They will then have the opportunity to put into practice these principles each day at LTC as they join different groups going through either Core 101 or Core 201. They will also be challenged to look ahead and begin to brainstorm ways to Lead THE Cause after they return home.

Holy, Humble, Hungry

The attributes God wants to build into His disciples are stressed in this session. Our calling is a high one and God is looking for those who will set themselves apart, stay connected to the Vine for their life, and who have a heart that beats for Godā€™s Kingdom and for those who are lost.

Witnessing with Style

You are unique, and God has wired you a certain way. Embrace that and explore what that means for you as you share the gospel. Once you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can better understand how God wants to use you in His Kingdom and how you can become more effective at sharing your faith.

How to Study the Bible

Knowing Godā€™s Word is critical for the disciple ā€“ both for their own spiritual health, but also as they seek to engage a lost world. Practical application and tips will give your students the tools they need for life-long study of the Bible.

How to reach your school for Christ

Becoming on mission for your school is what all the training and practice lead to at LTC. Students are surrounded by people who need Christ and they are the ones who are best suited to reach them. But you need to have a plan. This session helps you figure out what that plan can look like and sets you up for tremendous impact in the coming Fall as school starts.

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