Our good friend Gustavo Gonzalez is a youth pastor in San Juan, Puerto Rico and is returning as a speaker for Lead THE Cause this year!
Gustavo is an awesome teacher and we’re stoked to have him join us at the LTC event in Washington, D.C. Here’s a quick look into Gustavo’s thoughts on Lead THE Cause:
1. Why are you passionate about training teens at LTC?
“LTC offers a unique experience for teens that surrounds them with other students from different parts of the nation who end up having the same missionāthe same CAUSE. For students to see this as a national/worldwide movement is very significant. It’s harder to convey that message in an effective way from your own youth room. Also, the mindset that they acquire during LTC is unique. They see that everybody is expected to apply everything they are learning and that puts them ‘on the spot.’ It’s a good peer pressure.”
2. How have you seen students’ faith transformed during LTC?
“It comes alive for them. They see that it ‘works’ on the field and not only at church. They understand the huge role God wants them to play in His plan.”
3. How does LTC training translate to teens outside of the U.S.?
“LTC training doesnāt have to translate (maybe to the local language sometimes), since we use concepts of normal human interaction, like asking questions and really getting to know people in order to share the gospel with them. Also, the biblical principals taught [at LTC] are universal and easily understood by believers anywhere, as long as you can point them to scripture to support it.
I think every leader and group needs to adapt the application of the training by taking their context and cultural differences into consideration. I can say that for us it was something automatic, not a struggle at all.”
If you’re serious about seeing your teens become passionate about Christ and reaching the lost, then don’t miss out on Lead THE Cause this summer. Sign up to get your free LTC Info Kit or register your group today to secure your spots!