Dare 2 Share Live is coming soon and we are super pumped to use the hashtag #LetsGo! It implies forward movement toward a singular objective!

#LetsGo started to catch on with us when Chris Selby, a wild-eyed youth leader (and Dare 2 Share Certified Trainer), started spouting off “Let’s Go” in our meetings and on social media. It caught, not only Chris’s heart for evangelism, but how we felt about it as well. It also captured the #LetsGo heart of Jesus!
In Mark 1:35-42 Jesus told his disciples “Let us go to the nearby villages that I may preach there also, for that is why I have come.” Jesus was moving his disciples toward the singular objective of spreading the good news of the Gospel to everyone everywhere.
We want to walk in his footsteps! On September 23rd we will be doing just that (along with up to 50,000 teenagers across the United States from Fairbanks, Alaska to Puerto Rico!)
This live, simulcast event will be broadcasted into 72 locations across the country! And I love the fact that we have 72 locations! Luke 10:1 tells us, “…the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.” For me the number is a great reminder that the Lord is multiplying his movement.
In Mark chapter one it was Jesus who was doing the primary preaching (and the disciples were watching.) In Luke 9 it was the Twelve apostles who were doing the primary preaching (and Jesus was watching.) In Luke 10 it’s seventy two disciples doing the primary preaching (with Jesus and the disciples most likely coaching and encouraging the seventy two!)
Just like Jesus grew his movement from 12 to 72 to thousands, Jesus is growing our event reach from twelve (during our biggest tour) to 72 through the power of technology! And, God willing, it will lead to 50,000 teenagers being energized to Gospelize in a single day of outreach.
If you are within a few hours drive from any of these locations on the map then I encourage you to roadtrip and be a part of this game-changing event. And if you are in one of the host site cities it’s a complete no-brainer to bring your teenagers. Dare 2 Share Live combines inspirational training event with teenagers being mobilized for the Gospel the Saturday before See You at the Pole!
Live worship bands in every auditorium + training emcees in every room + Dare 2 Share Live app on every smart phone (so teens can communicate with each other and use it’s powerful videos to start a national Gospel conversation) = NO BRAINER!
This could be the beginning of a transformation in the way we view and do youth ministry. You’ll want to be able to say that you were there on September 23rd for the very first Dare 2 Share Live event. So sign up your teenagers today! Click here to find out more about how you can register for this one-of-a-kind outreach event!
Here’s what to tell your teens when it comes to Dare 2 Share Live…
“LET’S GO!!!!”