Get Ready to Go “InZane” about the Gospel at Dare 2 Share LIVE!
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Get Ready to Go “InZane” about the Gospel at Dare 2 Share LIVE!

Dare 2 Share LIVE 2019 is going to be "InZane" as teens learn to share the gospel from impactful speakers like Zane Black!



With his surfer-dude style, disarming authenticity, and contagious passion for Christ, Zane Black is always a fan-favorite speaker at Dare 2 Share events. He’s been part of the Dare 2 Share family for over a decade now, and he’s joining us again on stage at Dare 2 Share LIVE (LIVE) 2019. We’re so excited, it’s InZane! 

Get it? InZane? Pretty clever if you ask me, but I must confess, I didn’t come up with it. InZane is the name of Zane’s book that details his radical transformation from a wild, partying drug dealer to a soul that’s completely sold-out for Jesus. 

As someone who’s experienced the freedom and redemption that the gospel brings, his life’s passion is to see young people also live free in Christ and on mission to make disciples. In fact, that’s why Zane founded his own ministry called Lovin Life—to awaken today’s youth to live life to fullest through a relationship with God. 

When asked about this passion, he says, “I have seen what happens in a student’s life when they choose to live empowered by the Spirit of God to fulfill the call of GodWhat happens is they end up experiencing the presence of God in a real way as God empowers them to speak beyond their own wisdom and impact others beyond their own capability.”

I have seen what happens in a student’s life when they choose to live empowered by the Spirit of God to fulfill the call of God.” —Zane Black

Zane’s heart to see teens on fire for the gospel aligns perfectly with Dare 2 Share LIVE—an event that inspires and equips students to live out their faith and reach their friends for Christ. In the video below, Zane unpacks why Dare 2 Share LIVE is going to be such a valuable event for your youth group to attend this year. 

Summer is almost over and October 12th is coming up fast, so now’s the time to solidify your plans, find a Dare 2 Share LIVE Satellite Site near you, and buy your Church Kit. The Church Kit includes evangelism training material that will help your whole group make the most out of the event. Don’t miss out on this incredible resource that you’ll get when you secure your group’s spot for LIVE! 

With so many teenagers today looking for love, peace, and fulfillment in all the wrong places, an event that will equip and unleash an army of teens with the gospel message is needed now more than ever. We hope you’ll join us at Dare 2 Share LIVE this year! 

Check out more Dare 2 Share LIVE insider information and stories of impact on the LIVE Wire Blog. 

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