Recap of Lead THE Cause 2019 - Follow - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Recap of Lead THE Cause 2019 – Follow



This past summer may seem like a distant memory now, but the impact of Lead THE Cause is fresh on our minds.

In 5 cities, 1,051 students and leaders shared the gospel 5,873 times and saw 103 come to Christ!

Check out this recap video and relive the excitement and impact of Lead THE Cause 2019!

At Lead THE Cause 2019, students caught the vision for making disciples who make disciples and were equipped to live it out in their schools, on their sports teams, with their friends and in their families. Plus, they got the chance to put what they learned into practice in real life outreach and gospel conversations!

Leaders learned how to build Gospel Advancing Ministries and keep the momentum going strong long after the summer is over.

Youth groups studied Matthew 4:19-20 and learned to follow Christ, to, “drop their nets” and become, “fishers of men.” They put on the red shoes as symbols of their commitment to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

One student said, It’s inspiring, really fueling to my faith. Because, for me, the more I talk about Jesus, even to strangers, the more fired up I get for Him.ā€

It was an incredible week of worship, prayer, outreach and transformation. We can’t wait for next year!

Want to learn more about Lead THE Cause 2020?

Sign up here to be notified about dates, locations and registration information for this summer. Then give us a call at 1-866-448-0272 to talk about what it would look like for your group to attend.

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