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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.



Itā€™s Harvest Time!

I got my first job when I was 14. It was as a custom hay-hauler in Perryton, Texas, seven miles south of the Oklahoma border. I was an inner-city kid


The Unimaginable Suffering of Jesus

For many, the story of Jesusā€™s crucifixion has become so familiar that itā€™s easy to brush over what He actually endured on the cross when He died in our place


When Tragedy Strikes Again

As a youth leader, teacher, or parent it can be difficult to know how to help our children and teenagers process something as tragic as a mass shooting, such as


Youth Pastors: Donā€™t Lose Your Leaders!

Effective youth pastors understand that leading a youth group well is not a solo endeavor. That means that finding adults willing to pour their lives into teenagers is vital. But


A Jesus Revolution Youth Group

I was blessed to see an early release of this amazing movie. To be honest, I wasnā€™t ready for it to be goodā€”actually, really good. I tend to qualify my


Where Should Teens Look for Answers?

Where do Christian teenagers go for answers? Sometimes itā€™s Google. After all, the average teenager would rather take medical advice from an article they found in an online search than


When God Whispers

With all of the talk of a potential revival sweeping the nation right now, I think itā€™s a good time to discuss the difference between ā€œthe fire of spiritual revivalā€


The Spillover Effect of True Revivals

Revival is in the air! Reports from Asbury University are so very encouraging! Since last Wednesday, thereā€™s been 24/7 prayer, worship, testimony, confession of sin, Scripture reading, silence, and more


Super Bowl Sunday: A Huge Opportunity

Super Bowl LVII is upon us. For diehard football fans, itā€™s a time of fulfillment. This game is the payoff after months of spectating, week after week in the living

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.