Annual Report
the Gospel is
the global answer for a broken world.
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:17
The answer for this broken world is Jesus, and the 1 billion teenagers worldwide are in desperate need of the freedom He brings.
That’s why raising up Gospel Advancing leaders around the world is such an urgent cause! This cause moved forward in powerful ways in 2021, and here are the details.
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Strategy
Our Goal
it takes everyone
A letter from our president
A letter from the President, Debbie Bresina
I could give you a billion reasons why Dare 2 Share is so critical right now, and each one has a face, a name, a story.
This is the largest generation of young people the world has ever seen. But it can be hard to really imagine how many one billion actually is, so we came up with a word picture to help visually how many teens that represents.
Imagine teenagers lined up toe to heel, chest to back in a single file line across your church sanctuary, depending on the size of your church, you could probably visualize about 200 teens. Now, extend that line west, all the way to California’s coastline. No matter where you are, I can guarantee, you still wouldn’t get close to a billion. So imagine a bridge across the Pacific ocean to China – and that’s still not enough! Let say you keep that line going across China through Europe and across the top of Africa. Nope.
Imagine another bridge across the ocean to the East Coast of America, then bring the line all the way back to where you are at. This is still not enough. You would need to that circle around the world not just twice, or three times, or even five. You’d have to repeat that circle seven and a half times to get one billion! That’s a lot of teenagers!
And as you look across all those faces, realize that every one of them has a story. And for the majority of them, their story includes pain, loss, hurt, and hopelessness.
According to the latest statistics, youth suicidal ideation, attempt and completion are on the rise. A recent behavioral report states that one out of every five high school students have seriously considered suicide and one in 10 have attempted suicide. Suicide is currently the second-leading cause of death among 10-24-year-olds in America today. And it’s not just a national problem, it’s a worldwide crisis. According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-19-year olds worldwide.
Now, the world’s experts would tell us that the root causes of this epidemic among our youth is linked to struggles with identity, belonging, and purpose. And on that we would agree. However, we believe we need a different solution. We need a supernatural solution!
- We believe our youth need to find their identity as a child of the one true and living God.
- We believe our youth need to belong to a community of Christ-followers.
- We believe our youth can find purpose in making disciples.
Dare 2 Share is committed to reaching every teen everywhere in every way possible. But it’s going to take all of us to make this a reality. Parents, youth leaders, students, grandparents, partner ministries, denominations – the Church. And the amazing thing is that we are seeing that happening. God is raising up His people who have a passion for our youth who are volunteering, supporting and praying for believing teens around the world to be inspired and equipped to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends and family. No one group – or ministry – can do this alone. It’s going to take everyone. And I think that has been God’s intention all along.
Debbie Bresina
President, Dare 2 Share Ministries

a worldwide movement
In 2021, leaders from every inhabitable continent accessed our website and digital trainings, that allowed them to see
students reached!
Gospel Advancing Leaders
The key to reaching this generation is youth leaders who create ministries that drive the Gospel deeply into their hearts of their students, and then train and mobilize them to go out with that Good News and bring it to their world.
leaders have committed to become Gospel Advancing leaders
go share day
This past year we were asked by Go Movement – a group that’s mobilized over an estimated 100 million believers to share their faith – to launch a monthly youth initiative called Go Share Day.

In 2021, there were over
Gospel Conversations

Life in 6 Words Mobile App
The Gospel changes everything, and with our Life in 6 Words app, we are helping teens around the world use their phone to engage others with the Gospel and start spiritual conversations. We are committed to translating the app and other key resources into the top 25 languages by 2025, so that leaders can equip their students to reach out to over half the world’s population in their own native language!
2021 by the numbers
Arabic, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish
accessing the app platform
New Users
(55,778 total)
friends/family added to Cause Circles
(to be prayed for, cared for, shared with)
Gospel engagements
using the app
Faith decisions
for Christ recorded
impact of
training & resources
International Summit

Because travel restrictions, we launched a virtual international summit was launched in English and Spanish for youth leaders training to become Gospel Advancing leaders.
Lead THE Cause
Week-long evangelism & discipleship training events
The continuing repercussions of the pandemic cancelled our Chicago event, but we were able to pivot to host both weeks in Denver, Colorado, along with a virtual option.
dare 2 share live
2021 was our 5th year simulcasting Dare 2 Share LIVE to churches all across the country. We made the event completely FREE to anyone who wanted to participate, and we had our biggest year to date.
Resourcing a Gospel Revolution
Nothing should stand in the way of leaders and students who want to learn how to build a Gospel Advancing Ministry and train teens how to relationally share Jesus with their world. That’s why we’ve made all our digital resources FREE.

Unlikely Fighter Released
God stirred in Greg Stier’s heart to write a memoir of his life. This process was eye-opening for him and resulted in a powerful story of how God took a scared young boy and transformed him into an unlikely fighter for the Gospel, becoming the #1 title in Amazon’s Evangelism category in late 2021.

"Your passion of Jesus and His love for the world will be ignited!"
Dr. Derwin L. Gray
"Captivating and encouraging."
Lee Strobel
"If you've given up on yourself, take a page out of Greg's book."
Mark Batterson
leading dare 2 share
into the future
Board of Directors
Jim Lindemann
Chairman and Treasurer
Kathy Branzell
Vice Chairman
Bob Reflogal
Erik Peterson
Chris Abeyta
executive team

Greg Stier
Founder & Visionary
Greg Stier founded Dare 2 Share in 1991. Since then, the ministry has equipped over one million teenagers to relationally and relentlessly share the Gospel of Christ. As a former church planter and pastor, Greg believes in the power and potential of the church to transform entire cities with the Gospel. As a former youth leader, he is committed to seeing this transformation erupt from the next generation. Greg is the author of 22 books and countless articles. He has appeared on CNN, CBN, TBN, Focus on the Family, Fox and Friends, and several radio programs. He is a regular contributor to Christian Post, Churchleaders.com, and Group Magazine.

Debbie Bresina
Debbie began serving the ministry in 1994 as a volunteer, and became the first full-time staff member in 1995. During that time, she has served as Executive Director, Executive Vice President of Ministry Advancement, and most recently since 2015, President. Although Dare 2 Share was her first ministry assignment, she brought an extensive marketing and business development perspective from her early career in technology. Debbie has an eye for strategy and a love for leadership development. Her commitment to the ministry is fueled by the desire to mobilize a generation with the hope and purpose she didn’t have as a teenager.

Jill Meador
Vice President of Operations
Jill Meador joined Dare 2 Share in 2014 and currently serves as the Vice President of Operations. Jill draws on years of operational and business management experience, including 10 years serving in local church ministry prior to joining D2S. She has a passion for organization, process improvement, and stewarding the ministry to its fullest potential.

Jason Lamb
Vice President of Ministry Advancement
Jason Lamb serves as Dare 2 Share’s Vice President of Ministry Advancement. He has over 20 years of ministry experience: half that time with Dare 2 Share and the other half in local church ministry. Fueled by his love for the Gospel and youth leaders, he leads a dynamic team dedicated to resourcing and encouraging our youth leaders all around the globe in Gospel Advancing Ministry.

Phil Hildebrand
VP of Marketing & Communications
Phil Hildebrand has been with Dare 2 Share for nearly 15 years, and currently serves as the Vice President of Marketing & Communications. Phil has over 30 years of ministry experience, holding various positions in marketing, advertising, strategy, brand management and product development.
total revenue year-over-year
generosity for this generation
growing our partnership in the gospel
While 2021 was a difficult year on many fronts, we were amazed and humbled by a growing number of supporters who continued to sacrifice their resources so that we might help raise leaders who are growing teens who can fight for this generation with the hope of Christ.