Donate Now To Help Us Introduce Teens To Jesus - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Resourcing youth ministries to share Jesus

Youth leaders have saved over $402,000 this year by downloading our free resources!

Your YEAR END GIFT will get even more youth leaders the resources they need to mobilize their students with the Gospel.

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Donations made to Dare 2 Share support the creation and distribution of free youth ministry resources.
To give a custom amount, please type whole numbers, no commas. For assistance, please email

You can equip teens to take
the Gospel EVERYWHERE.

For over 30 years, Dare 2 Share has helped youth leaders equip their students with a clear Gospel message through free high-quality digital resources.

These free lessons, curriculum, training, and tools result in thriving youth ministries where teenagers are being saved, reaching their friends, and building a solid foundation in their faith.

We need your help!

This year, youth leaders downloaded over 31,018 of our free resources saving them more than $402,000! We need your help to keep them free.

Your year end gift will enable us to get youth leaders the resources they need to mobilize their students to reach their friends with the Gospel.

Your generous gift is helping the Gospel multiply.

Will you partner with Dare 2 Share to ensure that EVERY student learns to share Jesus with their friends?Ā