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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Youth Ministry

Soul Fuel

What I Learned From Monster University

Are you Team Mike or Team Sully? Not exactly the comparison between werewolves and vampires, but nevertheless we are still talking monsters – right?Ā  One is a one-eyed walking tennis

Soul Fuel

The First Jurassic Park

I remember seeing Jurassic Park when the magic of big dinosaurs hit the big screen for the first time.Ā  Sure, there had been other dino flicks prior to Spielbergā€™s masterpiece

Student Ministry Preaching

Sermons that crash-land


Beautiful take-off. Wonderful flight. Crash-landing.
Unfortunately, that’s what I’ve witnessed toward the end of many preachers’ evangelistic sermons.
These well-meaning communicators of …

Youth Outreach Ideas

Outreach Event Idea: Fast Food Formal

I have never gone hunting in my life, however, as a Youth Pastor I was constantly hunting for the best low-cost, high-impact events. Perhaps this describes you, as well? Wellā€¦

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Why Teenagers Are NOT the Church of Tomorrow

Did you ever notice that throughout Scripture God seems somewhat determined when it comes to using young people to accomplish some of his most significant purposes? He used a teenaged

Gospel Advancing Ministry

The D Word

Utter it in some churches and you’ll be damned (no, “damned” is not the word.) This is a word that causes many pastors, Sunday school teachers and deacons to cringe

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Great Movements Only Need 10%

ā€œScientists at (RPI) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Are You Leading from the Front?

The best leaders lead from the front. They donā€™t delegate, abdicate, or relegate the heavy lifting to ā€œsubordinates.ā€ They dive headfirst into the hard work. This is true of the

Gospel Advancing Ministry

7 Reasons America Has Not Been Reached for Christ

There are over 300,000 Protestant churches in America. Virtually every city in the United States has an abundance of Bible-believing faith communities. Millions upon millions of Christians attend these churches

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.