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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.


Is the Fault in Our Stars?
Soul Fuel

Is the Fault in Our Stars?

Girl (with cancer) meets boy (with cancer). The two fall in love, head off to Amsterdam to meet their favorite author (who is a cranky drunk), and you have the

Maleficent the Misunderstood?
Soul Fuel

Maleficent the Misunderstood?

I remember being very creeped out by Maleficent as a kid. The combination of the goat horns with the green goddess nuclear fog that always trailed her was the stuff

How to Live Without Regret
Soul Fuel

How to Live Without Regret

If you could go to the past to change your futureā€¦would you do it? Thatā€™s the overarching theme in the new sci-fi action film X-Men: Days of Future Past. The

Soul Fuel - Do your friends know that God's not dead?
Soul Fuel

Do Your Friends Know that Godā€™s Not Dead?

In the late 1800’s, a German philosopher named Friedrich Nietzsche made a groundbreaking statement that sent shockwaves through society: “Gott ist tot.” For us non-German speakers, that phrase translated means

Soul Fuel

Why Do I Believe Heaven is for Real?

To wonder about the afterlife is to be human, is it not?  Iā€™m fairly convinced that while our feline and canine friends wistfully dream of apprehending mice and enjoying postal

Soul Fuel - Time to Build an Ark
Soul Fuel

Time to Build an Ark

The Lord told Noah to build him an arky arky, The Lord told Noah to build him an arky arky, Build it out of hickory barky, Children of the Lord.

Job Description for the Divergent
Soul Fuel

Job Description for the Divergent

ā€œYou’re different. You don’t fit into any of the categories. They can’t control you. They call it divergent.ā€ ā€”Tori, in Divergent And what do they call you?Ā  Jock?Ā  Drama Queen?Ā 

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