High School Ministry Archives - Page 2 of 10 - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

High School Ministry

Encouragement for Youth Pastors

4 Reasons to Never Give Up

Have you ever felt like giving up in ministry? Of course you have! Every youth leader at some time or another has wondered if their ministry would be better off

hand holding lens
Student Ministry Preaching

8 Best Practices to Grab Your Students’ Attention

Halfway through a college semester, a professor discovered that a student was retaking her course. Doubting that the student had failed the course the first time around, she checked her

smiling cat
Leading a Youth Ministry

The Happily Dispensable Youth Leader

Itā€™s youth night and youā€™re ready to give the message. As the students pile into the youth room and take their seats, you notice James sitting by himself. Thinking back

growing plant
Gospel Advancing Ministry

What Are We Doing?

Almost every youth ministry shares a similar goal: To multiply the ministry through the love of Christ. Yet growth can be a controversial topic for a lot of ministries. There

Gospel Advancing Ministry

A Disciple Multiplication Strategy Guides It

The book of Acts is chock-full of stories describing explosive gospel advancement. Each chapter captures incredible happenings of God moving in and through the lives of the first century believers.

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Gospel Advancing Ministry

3 Lies About Student Evangelism

One of the most exciting parts of being a youth leader who lives out a Gospel Advancing Ministry is witnessing students put their faith in Christ for the first time.

Jumping man
Gospel Advancing Ministry

3 Practical Steps to Courageous Living

A psychology professor at a prominent university knew her students expected a terrifyingly long, final exam. Being the psychology professor that she was, she decided to toy with her studentsā€™

Gospel Advancing Ministry

4 Ways to Multiply Your Influence

Do you know what was one of the most radical statements Jesus ever made to His disciples? I know, there were a lot of crazy things that could make the

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Gospel Advancing Ministry

Telling Your Secrets

My wifeā€™s grandfather made the best baked macaroni and cheese. Each time he would come and visit the family, it was the immediate request of all the grandchildren for him

locks on bridge
Gospel Advancing Ministry

Telling Your Secret

My wifeā€™s grandfather made the best baked macaroni and cheese. Each time he would come and visit the family, it was the immediate request of all the grandchildren for him

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Gospel Advancing Ministry

6 Social Media Tips to Model Gospel Advancement

Social media is a goldmine of endless opportunities for any youth leader who wants to stay connected with teen culture! Over one billion users worldwide are engaging through sites like

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Failures that Count

Running a ministry can often times be completely unpredictable. You donā€™t always know if your efforts will produce the results you hope for or just end up in failure. Say

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.