Free Resource Archives - Page 22 of 23 - Dare 2 Share
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Free Resource

Evangelism Tools, Apps and Videos

10 Ways to Take Advantage of Us! Really!

We really do WANT you to take advantage of us! That is, we really do want you to take advantage of Dare 2 Share’s FREE STUFF that will help you

Gospel Advancing Ministry

Does Everyone Need a BHAG?

A BHAG? Say what? Maybe you arenā€™t familiar with this particular alphabet soup. Let me translate. BHAG = Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (pronounced BEE-hag). At our Dare 2 Share (D2S)

Prioritizing Evangelism

9 Evangelism Insights that Will Transform Your Ministry

We all want to see spiritual fruit come from our ministries ā€“ deeper discipleship, more new believers, excitement among our teens, ownership of their faith, actions following beliefsā€¦but how do

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Combating Teen Angst

How do you go about helping your students replace their typical teen angst with the joyful, abundant life Jesusā€™ has called His followers to? One practical, pivotal way to help

Evangelism Tools, Apps and Videos

Creating a Thriving Youth Ministry with Free Resources

At Dare 2 Share, weā€™re all about training and equipping students AND youth leaders to reach this generation for Christ. We do that in a variety of different ways: events,

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

4 Ideas to Make the Most of Graduation

Spring fever is upon us! Green grass, warm evenings, spring sports, prom, senior skip dayā€¦ Spring also means high school graduation is just around the corner. Your seniorsā€™ rite of

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Get ā€˜em in the Game

Youā€™re the coach, not the star player, when it comes to student ministry. Your primary job is not to lob the passes and score the points; rather, itā€™s to coach

Teaching Teens the Bible

Are You a Narrow-Minded Bigot?

Exclusivist. Narrow. The gospel message of ā€œfaith alone in Christ aloneā€ often gets painted as narrow-minded, exclusive and decidedly unPC. But does following Jesus and believing He is ā€œthe way,

Teaching Teens the Bible

3 Key Steps to Maximizing Our God-Given Gear

Do you want to help your students utilize their God-given evangelism gear for maximum impact? Of course, you do! So to wrap up this series on our amazing array of

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.