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Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

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Is Giving the Gospel Every Week Overkill?
Leading a Youth Ministry

Is Giving the Gospel Every Week Overkill?

Sharing the gospel every week in your youth group meeting will definitely send your Christian students over the edge. Who wants to hear the same thing week in and week

Job Description for the Divergent
Soul Fuel

Job Description for the Divergent

ā€œYou’re different. You don’t fit into any of the categories. They can’t control you. They call it divergent.ā€ ā€”Tori, in Divergent And what do they call you?Ā  Jock?Ā  Drama Queen?Ā 

10 Essential Truths Your Students Need to Know
Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

10 Essential Truths Your Students Need to Know

Do you sometimes get the sense that your students, knowingly or not, are creating God in their own image? Is their view of God more a composite of the characteristics

Soul Fuel - We Need to Let It Go
Soul Fuel

We Need to Let it Go!

Once in a great while a song comes along that evolves into the viral soundtrack of a cultureā€¦ Unfortunately, these songs usually carry the unsurpassed genius and gripping lyrics of

What Makes for Good Relationships?
Soul Fuel

What Makes for Good Relationships?

I feel like we all should be ridiculously happy.Ā  There has never been a time in history where so many have so much, yet at the same time we first-world

Son of God
Soul Fuel

Son of God

If one day a movie were produced about your life, what moment/story would it capture? If it were limited to around two hours, what events/relationships would it focus on? Would

Soul Fuel

Agents of G.O.D.

ā€œThe world is full of evil and lies and pain and death, and you can’t hide from itā€”you can only face it. The question is, when you do, how do

Kingdom-Advancing Youth Ministry
Gospel Advancing Ministry

How to Grow a Kingdom-Advancing Youth Ministry

Through my 20+ years of ministry, Iā€™ve come to deeply appreciate the immense potential and incredible responsibility youth leaders like you hold in your hands. The ability to influence young

Youth Outreach Ideas

Sharing the gospel with a “religious” friend

Jesusā€™ message of grace is life-transforming for those who struggle under the misconception that they have to ā€œearnā€ their way to heaven. ā€œRyan the Religiousā€ provides practical insights on how

Soul Fuel

More than Gold

Will you be one of the perhaps billions of spectators who will be glued to the TV during the Winter Olympics? For 17 days, the world will join in the

Leading a Youth Ministry

Evangelism ā€“ Where Do I Begin?

I was recently reflecting on that pivotal moment in my spiritual journey and ministry when I realized how poorly I was doing at evangelism. When I say poorly, I really

Soul Fuel

Wake Me Up Before Itā€™s All Over!

Over 224 million people want to be woken up when itā€™s all overā€¦ Or at least they enjoy listening to the song Wake Me Up while watching a relatively senseless

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more!Ā Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.