Lead THE Cause - An Evangelism Training and Discipleship Event
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

for youth groups that want more


lasting impact

new believers


Join the summer youth event that will ignite your studentsā€™ passion for the Gospelā€¦ for life.

for youth groups that want more


lasting impact

new believers


Join the summer youth event that will ignite your studentsā€™ passion for the Gospelā€¦ for life.

summer 2025

2025 event is SOLD OUT 100%

Call 303-565-2545 or email ltc@dare2share.org
with questions or to join the waitlist.

Summer 2025 Theme

When students have a clear vision of God and His fires in their souls, they can’t help but say, “Here I am, send me!” to Christ’s call to bring the Gospel to their world. This summer at Lead THE Cause, leaders and students will explore Isaiah 6:1-8 and discover how God is calling them to make a meaningful impact in their communities when they return home.


Greg Stier

Greg Stier is the founder of Dare 2 Share Ministries. For over 30 years, God has used Greg and Dare 2 Share to reach over a million teenagers, inspiring and training them to share the Gospel and reach their generation for Christ. Heā€™s a widely known expert on youth ministry, teenagers, and evangelism, a witty and passionate speaker, and a prolific author of numerous evangelistic books and articles.

Jerrod Gunter

Jerrod Gunter is the Next Generation Pastor atĀ New Direction Christian ChurchĀ in Memphis, Tennessee. At New Direction, Jerrod initiated a youth movement called ā€œRiot Startersā€ which equips students to take prayer and evangelism to their schools and communities. As a result of ā€œRiot Starters,ā€ Jerrodā€™s teens have become devoted Christ-followers and hundreds of unsaved students have put their faith in Jesus.Jerrod is a long-time friend of Dare 2 Share and we canā€™t wait for him to share his wisdom, ministry experience, and contagious passion for Christ as a speaker at Dare 2 Share LIVE this year!

Zane Black

Zane Black spent years looking for all the crazy excitement and adventure life has to offer, but it almost cost him his life. After years of cheap thrills and temporary highs, Zane experienced a radical encounter with Jesus that changed him forever. Now, his passion is to help young people encounter Jesus for themselves and go ā€œall inā€ for the gospel. Zane has spoken at numerous Dare 2 Share events and the 2019 Winter Jam tour, written books, served with Torchbearers International, and leads a ministry called Lovin Life.

what is ltc?

What is Lead THE Cause?

Lead THE Cause (LTC) is a one-week summer camp alternative from Dare 2 Share Ministries. At LTC, youth groups spend an intensive week praying, learning, and brainstorming together to reach their community for Christ. They experience:


Interceding for their lost friends. Students spend the first day and a half learning to align their heart with Godā€™s and His desire for all to come to faith in Him.


Students get many outreach opportunities to share the Gospel. Two entire afternoons are dedicated to hands-on outreach, speaking with strangers, and starting Gospel conversations. Students are also challenged to bring up the Gospel with friends and family back home via text, phone calls and written letters.


Groups get time to brainstorm together about how to reach their community for Christ. Students will pray and plan ways they can reach their own circles of influence with the Gospel, coming away with a strategic plan and specific goals.

Why should I bring my youth group?

This powerful week really flips the switch within the hearts and minds of students. It changes youth ministry culture from teens being the consumers to the creators of ministry opportunities. Students will come home from LTC:

  • Energized in their faith
  • Passionate about the lost
  • Equipped with tools to reach their friends and a plan to get started

Ā The LTC experience empowers youth to make a difference for Christ in their circles of influence, and it trains youth leaders to fuel the movement by learning how to create aĀ Gospel AdvancingĀ ministry.

Where can I learn more?

You can get more information on Lead THE Cause (LTC) by:Ā 

How do I register?

We’ve reached capacity for the summer 2025 event. Call us at 303-565-2545 or email ltc@dare2share.org with questions or to join the waitlist.

In order to secure your spots, registration must be paid in full for each person in your group. There are a limited number of discounted registrations available for each event.Ā 

Click hereĀ to learn more about the registration process andĀ join the insider list to get the latest LTC information.

what students learn at LTC

Deep prayer

Time spent interceding for their lost friends.

Faith sharing

Several outreach opportunities to share the Gospel with friends and strangers.

Vision planning

Students and youth leaders conspiring together to reach their community for Christ.

Why LTC works

Summer camps and mission trips can be great to get teens excited about God. But what happens when they go home?

Lead THE Cause is the weeklong summer camp alternative that transforms teens into passionate disciples who make disciples. At Lead THE Cause, students gain a solid understanding of the Gospel, powerful tools to share it, and opportunities to engage the world around them.

Jumpstart a disciple-making movement in your youth ministry with Lead THE Cause this summer!

get all the details

Download the Camp Guide

The Lead THE Cause Camp Guide is a downloadable PDF with all of the information you’ll need to get your students in on this transformational experience.


lead THE cause is changing lives and youth ministries across the country.

Check out stories of impact from LTC events!

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