Events page - Dare 2 Share
Youth ministries around the world united for one purpose— activating young  people to share their faith.
Youth ministries around the world united for one purpose— activating young people to share their faith.

What is Dare 2 Share LIVE?

Dare 2 Share LIVE is a youth ministry video event you can bring to your own community that’s designed to spark a movement of teen-led Gospel conversations through your youth group. Highly inspirational and practical, this evangelism training event inspires and equips your students to share their faith and gives them a chance to do it.

You can do the event at a time that works for you or participate alongside youth groups all over the world on the global day of youth evangelism, 11/9/24.

your students will receive...


To see the lost around them


To articulate a clear Gospel message and share it relationally


To go in the power of the Gospel and share it with the world

How Does It Work?

+ Register

Choose your theme and register your group to get access to event videos and resources.

+ Plan

Start planning the event for the date and format that works for your context.

+ Learn & Go

On the day of your event, gather your students, watch the videos, practice Gospel conversations, and serve your local community alongside youth groups around the world.

How Does It Work?

+ Register

Choose your theme and register your group to get access to event videos and resources.

+ Plan

Start planning the event for the date and format that works for your context.

+ Learn & Go

On the day of your event, gather your students, watch the videos, practice Gospel conversations, and serve your local community alongside youth groups around the world.

Pick Your Theme


+ Pre-event resources and training

+ Full access to all event videos

+ Support and coaching for a successful event

Upcoming Theme

[Nov 2024]

This year through Play to Win ,students will learn that God wants them on the team, not just someday when they’re older, but TODAY. They can be part of His redeeming work right now in their everyday lives

Join us for the Global Day of Youth Evangelism

November 9, 2024


Got Questions?

Because evangelism accelerates the discipleship process like nothing else does! When students share the Gospel, especially with their peers, they ask questions, pray deeply and learn to depend on the Holy Spirit. Plus, they get to participate in the Cause of Christ, making disciples who make disciples. Dare 2 Share LIVE is a global movement with local impact as communities are impacted by the Gospel and teens are transformed as they share.

If you can’t be part of the Global Day of Youth Evangelism on the kickoff day, November 11, 2023, don’t worry. The videos and training materials are available and can be accessed and used to complete your day of evangelism inspiration and training any time and customize it for what works best for your group

Dare 2 Share LIVE is available in English and fully contextualized in Spanish. Learn more about the Spanish event here.

Dare 2 Share LIVE is designed for church youth groups to do together. An adult leader should facilitate the event for the Middle School and High School age students and youth in their church. The training and outreach should be done together and led by an adult. You know your students best, but we’ve seen even unchurched and apathetic teens leave on fire for the Gospel.

No. This year, the event is an on-demand video event instead of a single-day livestream broadcast. What’s good about this change?

  • With the new Dare 2 Share LIVE model, groups can participate in any way and timing that works for them. They can do this on a different day or split it over multiple days. Groups will be able to have the full experience on any day, not just 11/11.
  • Making the content no longer time-bound allows groups from any time-zone around the world to join at a time that works for their group, so that evangelism and outreach will be happening around the world constantly in that 24-hour period (and beyond!).
  • The event no longer requires a strong internet connection, so it opens up new opportunities for venues if groups are able to connect to the internet to download the video files first and then take them anywhere.

Church youth groups are encouraged to join Dare 2 Share LIVE with an adult leader to facilitate the training videos and outreach experience. You’ll also need: 

  • An internet connection to download the videos
  • A way to play them for your group
  • Plans for the outreach experience in your community

Upon registration, you’ll get access to the event portal with ideas and plans to facilitate the event with your group.

Want More Info?

Sign up for the event insider list and get more details about Dare 2 Share LIVE, plus get a free download of the quick guide, “5 Ways to Make Evangelism a Priority Right Away.”