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students to reach their world.
Helping youth leaders empower
students to reach their world.

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

4 Apathy Busting Strategies

This week’s Mobilize gives 4 strategies you can use to help your students kick apathy to the curb in their relationships with God.

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Helping Teens Say No to the Wrong Kind of Parties

Partying can look like the best thing in the world to teenagers, but Jesus has called them in love to live a holy life filled with much better things.

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Talking to Teens About Happiness

This week’s Mobilize reminds us that the only place our teens can find happiness and fulfillment is in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

How to Help Students Learn to Be Wise
Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

How to Help Students Learn to Be Wise

Our students live in an age where information comes at them like a firehose. Every day, Google’s search engine is tapped 6 billion times. Facebook messages are posted 4.3 billion

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Light! The High Calling of Every Christian Teenager

“I am the light of the world,” Jesus said. “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jesus came shining the

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

How to Help Your Teens Grow as They Go

Building a “Gospel Advancing Ministry” simply means that your youth ministry is providing a context in which the good news of Jesus is moving both deeply in the souls of

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

3 Keys to Nurturing Fully-Devoted Followers of Jesus

Jesus’ discipleship approach interwove evangelism and discipleship seamlessly. He didn’t see these two elements of the Christian life as separate, distinct subsets of spiritual formation, but rather as the combined

Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Live Your Faith Out Loud

For three years, Jesus walked the gritty streets with His disciples. His ministry with His inner core was life on life; He modeled a lifestyle of living and giving the

Is More Caught than Taught?
Discipleship, Teaching Teens to Follow Jesus

Is More Caught than Taught?

Cultivating an outreach-focused youth ministry takes prayer, strategic thinking, practical skills and gritty determination. That’s why we’ve been working our way through the “Five Keys to Nurturing a Faith-Sharing Focus.”

free youth ministry resources

Free youth ministry curriculum, books, evangelism training, ebooks, videos, and more! Download your free resources now and grow your youth ministry.